Who Knew Gods Could Be So Spiteful?

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"Someone shut that stupid thing off already..." Groaned an old voice.

"Dad," A younger, though noticeably aged voice chuckled. "That's your life support."

"Did I stutter?" The old man coughed out, lurching weakly under the hospital bed's quilt. "Damn thing ruins my sleep all the damn time..."

The younger man hummed. "You looked quite peaceful when I woke you up this morning." His grin, ever so annoying to the old man, widened. "Pray, you have an explanation for that?"

"I do, matter of factly!" He wheezed. "I simply passed out since I couldn't sleep a wink last night." And then he pointed to his son with a shaky finger. "Just wait Joseph, you won't be laughing once you're in this bed, mark my words!"

Joseph just shook his head with a wry smile. "Sure sure, whatever you say dad."

Several minutes passed in relative silence save for the beeping of the life support machine. Joseph simply sat there with his head bent backward and resting his eyes, while his father settled for glaring at the machine with almost childlike ferocity. A gentle ding came from Joseph's pocket, to which he fished out his phone quickly after.

"Ah," He showed the phone to his father. "Everyone will be here next week, see? Told you they wouldn't mind."

"Oh goodie, everyone will be here to see this here old pile of skin. Wonderful." The father sighed.

"... You said, everyone?"

"Mhmm." Joseph nodded. "Your sons, daughters, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, great-great-grandchildren, mom, mom, mom, mom, mother, mom, mom-"

"Yes, yes, I figured, but-" The old man drew as close as he could to his son, and Joseph could catch a glimpse of fear in his eyes. "Will... she... be here?"

Not resisting the roll of his eyes, Joseph nodded. "Yes, dad. Merideth is coming too."

"Nooooooo..." He sobbed in despair. "Why did you invite the old crone?!"

"Mom invited her, actually."

"Oh of course she did," The father snarled. "She never could bring herself to cut ties with her. Step-parents, I swear..."

"She's not that bad dad," Joseph said, though his expression was shaky at best. "She's just... persistent."

"Persistent at being a pain in my ass, more like!" Was the old man's sharp response. "'Morgan, where's my plant?' 'Oh Morgan, why did you take my plant?' 'Morgan, Morgan, when are you gonna give me back my plant?' I don't have... you're fucking plant... you fucking CU-ack... HAAghh!"

Morgan fell into a coughing fit, practically hacking up a lung as he jerked in bed. Joseph frowned, standing from his chair and turning to the door. "I'll get you some more water dad. Sit tight."

"Th-hg...th-thank you..." The father gasped out, settling down in his bed as he heaved in breaths.

He heard the door shut with a soft click, which left Morgan to his thoughts once again. Honestly, what was she thinking, getting Merideth involved? She knew he hated her, but she did it anyway!

Honestly, that woman...



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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2022 ⏰

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