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New school, New friends a whole new environment, Some people go through the same things i do but this
isn't there life it's mine. You obviously read this book to see what Austin Right's life is well you found it. Whatever you want to know I'm hear to tell you even thought I'm dead now. Twist I know, wanna know why and how I died well i can tell you one... I killed myself. my life was wonderful until it wasn't if you want to know why
keep reading....

Lets start from the beginning...
it was a sunny day, August 21st, 2015, My first day of high school, my name is Austin Right. Im 14, bisexual and very fucking sad.. you might be wondering why i'm so sad. My daD is a homophobic, Manipulative, Cheating, Abuser, Sicko. my father is probably the lain reason for my sadness but I don't let it show. tbh I'm quite good at it even my all knowing spiritual mother can't tell. ooh my mother definitely a cause for my trauma and sadness. She is a spiritual "high priestess" or so she says to us. She talks down on me, because she believes she knows everything she refuses to let anyone tell her otherwise. she stubborn and she's an Aquarius so it truly so rare. she went from the ghetto mom raising six children in the trenches of new York to the woman sleeping at her friend house harnessing plants doing nightly rituals and thinking she's a millionaire. I'm not saying she crazy or anything but, it feels like she not changing anything but her attitude. She keeps saying "I've  been here to long, I need to stop talking to kids." then she actually ignores her own children. She works out and doesn't let anyone in her way in some ways I admire her. My siblings, My oldest brother is abusive to his girlfriend and me, Me because I'm bi- and his girlfriend because he cant control his emotions. his way of not getting in trouble by my mother is by saying he just trying to teach me before the world does harder. but when he hits slaps and sometimes plain old punches right in the face. My next brother Second oldest, Fucking psychopath He is literally insane and for your own good I'm not gonna talk about him. Next brother football star Straight child on my dads side, He was always nice to me and just wanted me to be good at things but my dad never really let him be nice to me so. Then my older sisters. God damn my older sisters are 2 very chill twins but they can get real obnoxious when they want to so just don't get them riled up. Leads us up to my older brother who did some very sad things to me in the past and he has no remorse for it so were not even gonna talk about his shit. Then my older brother one more older than me. He has some anger issues... That's all I'm gonna say but I still le him better than any of my other sibling on my moms side except for my lovely little sister. She always has my back except for the time she through me under the bus for "driving the car" and got my phone taken away for who knows how fucking long.

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