Ch.8 A Tired Boy

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Third Person P.O.V

Remus woke up in the dingy old creaky shrieking shack alone and cold he slowly pushed himself up from the scratch wood. A set of clothes were neatly folded in the corner, as he went to shrug the shirt on, he noticed deep large scars across his chest

He gently limped back to nowhere, he didn't want to go to Madam Pomfrey or his dorm, the places where his friends could find him. So, he had no destination Remus felt like he had overreacted in the situation, but he was hurt his friends thought so low of him

Sliding down against the chilly school wall overwhelmed with pain and fatigue he could no longer stand up and walk. His eyes started to droop as sleep took over him until a petite warm hand on his cheek, the Gryffindor glanced up confused

Delphina crouched down to his level stuffing her books into her bag and giving all her attention to the lone boy. He nudged into her hand closing his eyes contently she wanted to know why he was out here early in the morning tired to the point of collapsing

With all her strength she managed to lift the boy off the stone ground and slowly guided him to her dormitory. Remus had no clue where she was taking him, but he trusted Dee and also couldn't really fight with his drained energy


The duo eventually got into her and Pandora's dorm upon entering Delphina dropped her bag and led the boy to her unmade bed. With a gentle push, Remus slumped onto the soft mattress immediately snuggling into the warm plush. The Ravenclaw let out a silent giggle tightly tucking the boy into her sheets with a flick of her wand all the curtains were closed darkening the room 

She planted a soft kiss on his temple before picking up her book bag and heading to breakfast while the boy slept soundly in her bed


Delphine entered her room seeing the massive lump still in her bed facing away from her. Watching his chest rise and fall from what seemed like snores, yet it made the girl smile, she set out all her notes from the day and got to writing a second set for the sleeping boy. Time passed, and the girl didn't realise that dinner had come and gone with Delphina immersed in writing. As she continued to write she began to slow down. Her yawns became more noticeable and more fatigued she threw a glance at her bed that was in use 

The Ravenclaw crouched down to meet his face lightly stroking her fingers over his face slowly waking him up. He opened his eyes to be met with the gorgeous face of Dee, a bright smile making him feel like a baby

"What's the time?" He mumbled hoping she would see his lips move to the words she reached over and wrote down the time showing him it was around 9 o clock. He promptly sat up startling the girl she sat next to him waiting for a response 

"I don't want to go back to my dorm" He mumbled dropping his heavy head onto her light shoulder Delphie's eyes furrowed she had always seen the boy enjoying his friend's company did something happen? Remus looked up at her confused expression and explained further.

"I was studying with Pandora, and they saw, and t-they thought I was like dating her in secret since she's with Xenophilius" The more he thought about the more ache in his heart. The Ravenclaw quickly wrote on the paper handing it to him lacing her fingers into his hands

"You could stay here if you want" 

Remus gazed at her observing her features before hesitatingly nodding and lying back down bringing Dee with him. She attempted to release his grip, but he only tightened and brought her closer both sharing a joking smile

Once she realized that she could not escape Remus's warm arms she accepted the fact that she was going to be sleeping in her school shirt and skirt. When she got back to her dorm, she had removed her tights and jumper, she stared at the roof wandering about Remus and Pandora she wasn't jealous she knew how loyal and in love the blonde was with her boyfriend. Only curious as to why they were hanging out they weren't an unexpected relationship, but it seemed to hit the girl with surprise

The girl felt the boy's arms loosen she took a glimpse at the Gryffindor snoozing closely to her. Adjusting herself from her back to her side she gazed at the sleeping boy, soon enough Delphina drifted off her last memory of the night was Remus snuggling into her


Pandora's P.O.V

Quietly as possible I descend the stairs to the boy's dorm and run over to the steps parallel to theirs. My lips were swollen from Xenophilius who was very confident tonight even a tiny thought of the prior events made my cheeks turn peppermint pink.

My fingers tips glossed the hard metal and opened the big wooden door as lightly as possible not to wake the surrounding rooms or Delphina only my little lamp was left opposite the room. I stood alert seeing a larger mountain of sheets, steadily walking over to make out two bodies in the darkness. I had reason to believe it was Remus but I didn't step any closer instead heading to my side and getting ready for bed

Leaving the two to sleep sharing their warmth and space

Word Count: 950

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