Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival Week 2

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Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival Week 2

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Alright Coachella. How's everybody's feeling today?
I'm HANNY and tonight is my second day headlining for Coachella and it feels absolutely surreal to be here. Thank you so much for having me.
Coachella! Are you ready for week 2? Let's fucking crazy tonight.

"Can't Control Myself"
"Strawberry Moon"

Woo! I got to say it way too hot than the last week. So much hotter
Uh! I'm sweating so much. Guys give me some minutes please. I see you later BLUEMING out there.
Let me just take a quick second to get some water
It's absolutely crazy!
Oh my, are guys ready for next song?
Please sing along

"Hold My Hand"
"All Eyes On Me"
"Good Day"
"You & Me" (unreleased song)
"What Do I Call You"
"Dumb Dumb"

Alright Coachella so far I felt like you guys have been sound amazing. Give it up to yourself.

"Cold As Hell"

As you can see, I'm giving you guys everything that I have so... I love you Coachella.
Can I just sit for a minute? Let's save for this moments. Can you believe this? I don't. This is crazy.
Crazy. Oh my God! Um... Just got me thinking, how long I came to get here and be able to absolutely... What the, what the fuck are I'm been doing?
I'm headlining Coachella? Can you believe in this?
BLUEMING can you believe this?
Because this is like dream to me. I'm completely shocked um at the amount of the love you been showing me so much. So grateful. This is absolutely dream come true for me. Thank you
I'm starting from a very very small company that people don't even know and people say I won't make it far. But with one reason I keep move forward and forward. Now my company are getting known by the world and I'm getting absolutely everything I been dreaming of. And yet the reason is remain the same and it's here. It's you BLUEMING.
It's unbelievable when I come, when I come four years ago I couldn't really tell how many people in the crowd but this time we definitely feel the amount of love that you giving me. So happy
Thank you. Because of you I work hard all the from Korea so thank you so much. I prepared a lot for this. To headline and so I'm really happy that you guys enjoy the shows so yeah. Thank you everyone. I love you Coachella. And now let's introducing my band.
Thank you guys. Shall I introduced my band? As you know they are really really important part of the group. They have touring with me. They are actually here with us four years ago. So give it up to for sky band guys.
Oh my God! Alright so today we have Mr. YOUNG on the keyboard. Please say hi to Mr. YOUNG.
And CHAD of the guitar.
And OMAR on the bass. Hi OMAR.
And we have BENNIE on the drums.
And for the next song I need everyone all the way to back to sing with me if you know this song. Let's go.


Coachella you guys absolutely beautiful tonight. Thank you so much. I love you.
Get ready for this one Coachella. It's Levitating


Now Coachella. BLUEMING I want you all to savour this moments. Because... this is me.
This is been unforgettable night. And a long journey here I love you all. Now sing the next part with me.

"Good 4 U"
"Deja Vu"

Coachella this is very last song. Are you ready?


Thank you to my dancers. Special next to my BRANDON. Thank you. I would thank you so many people for making it happen tonight. Thank you to BLUEMING for coming for me. Thank you for Coachella for having me for two weeks. Till here I'm HANNY. Thank you
I'm fucking did it! Woo!
I love you Coachella! Thank you so much Coachella. I hope you all having a save and lovely night. Thank you so much for coming. I love you guys.

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