Chapter 3

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No one pov:
After Sam was put in the prison the revengers had returned to Techno's house with the twins asleep after all the crying they did as they were forced to leave their papa in the prison

As Tubbo and Techno go to Ranboo's small home he made next to door to Techno and Philza's house Eret had taken the Twins inside to give them to a confused Phil who wanted to know who's kid he was just given

Sadly for old man Phil the king of the server Eret didn't tell him anything about the twins but only told him that Techno would explain it later

Once Eret had rejoin the group it turns out Ranboo was now a ghost like Ghostbur, except he had all his memory unlike his alive version of himself

After returning Michael to his family Techno has allowed Tubbo to stay on his land in Ranboo's old house with his ghost husband

Philza pov:
After putting the two in a proper bed to sleep in I grabbed a coat before stepping foot outside waiting for Techno on the small bridge that connects the two house together

'I thought they were only going to find Michael-' glancing at the top floor were the two demon hybrid were asleep on 'How did they find those two who look... almost exactly like Willow and Tommy'

Even if I wasn't around much to watch the two grow I did remember what they looked like from all the pictures that Wilbur had taken of them plus they had angel like wings a gift they had most likely received from there mother and me

"Philza, Eret told me he gave you the twins" snapping out of my thoughts Techno had finally came over "Yeah the two are up stairs asleep-" "That's great to hear Phil" with that my eldest son walked past me and going inside

"Yeah just invite yourself in" rolling my eyes I walked inside and heard a high pitch scream "What the hell!" running upstairs I saw the twins had waken up the girl throwing things at Techno while the boy just screamed

"Come on Willow you gotta stop throwing things-" 'wait did he just say Willow' looking at my son he grabbed the pillow she was about the throw at him

"We can do what we want your not our dad you dumb pice of raw bacon" was all the boy said while Willow? had just nodded with her twin 'They are twins right' the two looked exactly alike

Tommy pov:
Holding onto Willow I glared at the weird big man that took Dad and brought us here 'Its cold here' hugging Willow closer she started to insult the pig man

"I bet once I'm you age I'll have more money then you and send you to the streets" "No you can't" "Yes I can" "No you can't" "Yes I can" "No you can't, plus I'll be earning more money before you get a job" "Who wants useless pig to work for them, those with low paychecks" "Huh how dare you"

Getting tired of there arguing I just closed my eyes but made sure my hold on Willow was fine before I let darkness consume my mind into the land of sleep

Willow pov:
As I argued with dumb pig Tommy's head was now on my shoulders looking back it seemed like he had fallen asleep 'No were supposed to make a plan to get away and rescue Dad!' slightly pouting at the whole thing I head someone gushing at the about me pouting

Snapping my head back infront of me the pig man now stood next to a bird man who looked tired 'Wait if someone kills pig and bird man would they taste like bacon and chicken'

It's a possibility that they would as they are a hybrid of a pig and chicken 'Wait so if you eat them is that cannibalism or just you eating normal food' these questions had made me mentally freeze at these questions

"Hey Willow do you remember me" snapping out of my thoughts I grabbed onto Tommy and pulled away from the voice glaring at whoever spoken had turned out to be bird man

"What's going on" was all Tommy had mumbled out as he rubbed his sleep away "I asked if you two remember me" "Tsk we don't know you bird man" turning my head away I pull my brother closer to me for a bit of comfort

"You can't be serious it's me your Dadza I'm your Dad" hearing this freak of the food chain claims to be our father made us laugh at him "Your not our Dad bird/chicken man only Sam is our Dad" with that being made clear to the stranger I hugged Tommy closer

Techno pov:
After the twins had made it clear they didn't remember us we decided to leave them alone for a bit to rest a bit more "I told you they didn't remember anything Dadza"

"Heh, they completely forgot me...even Ghostbur was able to remember who I was" looking at Phil face it was completely covered in darkness with tears coming out of his eyes

"I guess that explains my odd behavior these last few years" just nodding my head I could hear the two moving around "All Sam told me was that Dream had revived them after two weeks or so after there death"

Phil just nodded he knew that I knew about revival and that it can take different kinds of forms one like Wilbur who is now a siren zombie hybrid instead of a full siren like before

But for the twins it seemed like they were reborn as they had came back as baby's and age like a normal child "It's fine I'll just start over being a Dad for them" was all Phil said as he smiled

He had now dry tear stains on his face as he walks twords the kitchen "It's been a long day they must want some snacks" nodding my head I go with Phil to help him make them something to eat

"Wait they like golden apples we can slice them up for them" Philza had nodded at my idea and headed over to a chest that most likely had the apples 'We may be able to help them remember us by doing things like this'

Me reading to them late at night, Philza teaching them how to do a bit of school, and maybe even Wilbur can come sing for them 'We can make it work and fix our family'

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2022 ⏰

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