Moon of Seoul

22 1 0

Recommended BGM: Callin' - Super Junior


Kyuhyun is waiting. He is waiting for a person.

There were a lot of people in front of him. Including cars sprinting, people hurrying to work.

The traffic lights turned green, cars started moving.

But no one realized that Kyuhyun was waiting.

Kyuhyun had turned into a tree, a stone, a flower, a river, and even a streetlight to wait.

He is waiting, but for who?

Kyuhyun had been waiting for so long that he realized that he had already forgotten who he was waiting for.

He stared at the busy street and used all his brainpower to think. The brain that he was proud of.

Kyuhyun remembered the feeling when he hugged that person. He was so skinny but soft. He would hug him and wrap him inside his chest. That person was a little bit shorter than him, so he would put his chin on top of his head. They would hug for so long that eventually, they would cuddle each other to watch a warm movie, or sometimes Kyuhyun would just hug the person and sing a lullaby to wish him goodnight.

But Kyuhyun didn't remember who that person was.

A voice like chocolate.

"Our Kyuhyunnie is the best." That person said.

A hand like cotton candy.

That person would pat his head after his musical performances. His voice was so soft that it would melt his heart. Then he would give a kiss to him and the person would blush.

A smile like honey.

Kyuhyun would give that person a cheeky look but that person would just look away shyly. They avoided looking at each other in variety shows. They acted like normal colleagues but when the cameras were off, that person would quickly find him backstage and give him his warmest smile.

But Kyuhyun didn't remember who that person was.

The moon came out to announce the start of his lonely night again.

Who are you?
Where are you?
I've been waiting for you.

The buildings started to have their lights on. People holding bags to rush home for dinner.

Everyone had forgotten that there was still a man standing on the street, waiting for someone for thousands of years already.

Or is it Kyuhyun who had forgotten that, he had promised his lover that they would have dinner together on Valentine's day, but a car hit him while he was waiting for his Jungsoo.

For thousands of years, Kyuhyun had already forgotten why he died and who he was waiting for. But he still remembered that he was waiting for a certain person.

Kyuhyun had already remembered some of his features. He was sure that he could remember who that person was very soon. He gave himself a little pat on his head.

Who are you? Are you also waiting for me? Kyuhyun thought with excitement.

Who is Jungsoo to Kyuhyun?

He is the bloom of spring.
He is the sunshine of summer.
He is the leaf of autumn.
He is the snowflakes of winter.
He is the untouchable moon of Seoul.



Moon of Seoul (Kyuteuk 1-Chapter Short Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now