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The days become the same and the questioning never ends. They ask me how I killed her. They ask me how I killed my mum. I've said nothing to them not a word. Not a scream. It's cold in the cell of a room they keep me in just a metal room with a cot a bathroom and a desk. I've managed to read everything I've been offered and they give me workbooks so the government can't claim they've not given me an education. But really I've missed the outside. It's hard to know how much time has passed but I guess a few months in earth time at least. I lean back against the wall tossing a ball I've managed to create out of old clothing and rubber bands. I toss it into the air liking the sound it makes when it hits the wall and bounces back. They've classified me as an alien but apparently I'm an "unknown" species but I haven't spoken so they don't know where I'm from. I know they can see me so even when I'm alone I manage to not speak. I lean back and continue to toss the ball. Then I step off of my bed and decide to work on some physics. I turn out of the view of the camera and get to work. A while later I hear the mechanical sound of the door unlocking. I don't glance up they'll tell me what they want. "Girl" I blink and look up at Chad and Avin. They're usually the two that deal with me as they put it. I raise an eye brow and Avin says "we need you to do something for us" again I raise an eyebrow and he says "you're going to build this" he hands me a blueprint and I glance at it and ensure my face doesn't give anything away I hand it back to him and turn back to my physics homework. "Do this or we will remove all of the books from your room" "that'll drive you mad won't it?" I set down the pencil. Then I pick it up and begin writing down supplies and I hand it to him and hold out my hand for the blueprint and they leave apparently to get the supplies. But they don't return with supplies. Instead of Alvin and Chad it's Greg and Kevin. I raise an eyebrow surprised to see them. "Get up" Kevin says. I set down the plans I've been studying and stand up. "You're coming with us" they grab my arms and lead me from my cell to an all too familiar place they push me into the chair and hook up the familiar electrodes. Then the bucket of water.....chad comes forward. "You are aware of why this institution was created to combat the threat posed by the doctor and other fasmitoria know what that blueprint is the only way that is possible is if either you are extremely intelligent or you know the doctor but because you refused at first my money is you know the Doctor." He says I say nothing and he comes closer. "Speak girl" he says. I say nothing. "Turn it up" he says and the electricity courses through me and I close my eyes and block out the pain...until something is injected into my arm. My eyes go wide as the electricity goes through me again and I hear screaming and laughing ...he grabs my throat. "We were considering taking your tongue ...and perhaps your teeth...but no matter" "tell me where is the doctor" he takes out the knife and slices my face. The cut feels a thousand times worse as the drug courses through my body I begin to sweat as he begins to cut my legs and the room begins to spin...hours have surely passed and he always asks me the same questions now "who is the doctor" "where is he" "how can we find him?" They leave me here now I haven't seen my bed in days. I'm injected with the pain serum and I suppose they hope I will speak ...I look up as a new man enters the dark dingy room. "They tell me you know about the doctor he says coming into the dim light. Instantly I can tell he's been touched by time and it hurts slightly to be around him. He comes closer to me. "He makes that same face" he says his voice barely a whisper. I turn my face away from him. He unlocks the chains around my wrists and I stare at him. You do know him" his voice is slightly desperate "please tell me" I glance up at the red blinking light and then back at him. "They also tell me you haven't spoken in all the time you have been here" I glance away from him and back at the red blinking light. "They're watching us" he says. I say nothing as usual. "Will I be able to find him?" He asks. I say nothing but then he comes close to me he grabs my shirt close enough that only he would be able to hear me. Instead of speaking I take his hand and put it on my chest over my first heart and then the second. He gasps pulling away from me. "How is that possible?!" He cries. I turn away from him as the door opens and Greg and Kevin pull me up from the chair. "Where are you taking her?" "That is none of your concern" Greg says. They return me to my room and to my surprise all of the supplies are in the room. "You have three days to make that item we requested" Kevin says before the door shuts. I go into the bathroom only to find that the water is turned off. So I take off my clothing and tie pieces of ripped cloth around the open wounds before I get to work on the plans they're wrong of course no human could actually create a sonic device. I fiddle with my pennant hidden from humans view around my neck before I keep working the mechanical sound rings in the air and I smell something salty as the door opens. "It's after midnight what are you still doing up?" The man asks. I glance at the bag in his hand I look at him fully now he's wearing a long blue coat and suspenders with a white shirt and a gun on his side. Grandfather never carried a gun always just his screwdriver and his smile. I look back at the plans and he says "what do they have you doing?" He pulls up a chair and sets down a cup. "I met him the Doctor he's a good guy" I fiddle more with the pennant around my neck. "You must be hungry man that guy could eat!" I tentatively open the bag and sniff it to find it's only a few burgers and a large helping of chips. I pull out the first one and open it and breathe in the scent of the real food he's brought me. Then I take a small bite. "What are you building?" He asks. "You know they turn the cameras off at this time of night or at least I did I'm the only one on duty tonight" "please talk to me kid" I sigh and turn away from him. "Please" finally I look at him deep into his eyes and I say "they want me to do something that's forbidden" "what?" "They ...they want a sonic device not like what...the doctor has but something to inflict pain" the man stares at me his mouth open. "Why would you agree to build it?" I smirk. "I never verbally said anything to them I took the plans and gave them a list of materials ...then they tortured me wanting to know to find him...then they sent you in" "I still don't understand" "you don't get it sonic devices aren't meant for that purpose so I corrected their flawed plans they don't understand them I'm basically going to make them a signal that'll hopefully reach him so he can find me and take me from this horrid place no guarantee it'll work though and they don't understand the plans anyway so they can't be angry because I'm making it to the plans specifications" the man stares at me for a long moment and then he laughs. "That's ...really risky" "maybe" I say turning from him and continuing to eat the burger. "But'll be leading them to him" "they're no match for him" "well I know that but ..." "I've got three days dude three days 72 hours probably a bit less now so I have to finish or ..." "you think he won't find you" "you have to be careful dude they'll know you're being kind to me and they'll keep you from they'll get suspicious and hurt you too" "I can take it kid" "doesn't matter you shouldn't have to" I say getting up to get a book from the shelf. "I haven't told you my name" he says I raise an eyebrow and he says "it's Jack captain Jack Harkness" "May I ask yours?" "My mother called me Amber" I tell him and he smiles. "How did you manage not to scream at first?" He asks his eyes suddenly becoming dark. "I meditated it's something ...something I learned a long time ago" he nods and says "thanks kid I'll try to see you soon" I nod and watch the door close. Then I go back to work. I work for a few more hours eating the burgers and sipping on the fizzy drink Jack brought. I munch on the chips before yawning and relighting the candle with my finger. Before my head hits the desk I store the food under my bed and stretch my arms above my head. Then I take off my outer vest and I let down my firery red hair before I fall into the bed. "WAKE UP!" I leap out of bed blinking in the dim lighting of my cell. "Progress? Where is the progress?" "You only have 40 more hours to compete this project and you're SLEEPING?!" Chad grabs my shirt and holds me up in the air. His nails dig into my skin and he sets me down hard and then he begins to drag me from the room. He drags me  through the halls and to the dungeon. He chains me to the wall and ducks my head into the basin of water holding me down until I stop struggling he pulls me out and tosses me away. "You think you could trick us?" "You thought you would create something new did you?" He pulls me up and my arms extend and I feel my shoulders come out of their sockets. "You're not going to be allowed out of your cell until you complete the project. To MY specifications" he drags me back into my cells and deposits me there. Slowly I stand up and I dry myself by using my abilities. Then I sit down at the desk and I begin to build what they want. It takes hours and hours and little sleep I carefully reheat the burger from Jack before eating it quickly setting it down half eaten I get back to the task at hand. When it's finally done I admire the work the product I've created. I hold it up and sigh as the door opens and Chad returns and grabs it. He flicks it expecting it to work and then he says "show me!" He sets it on my desk and I pick up up and touch the correct button. He snatches it and aims it at me. I duck and cover my ears and he grins laughing. He takes it from the room and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

My weeping angel (rewrite) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora