6. New World part 2

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At the dorm

"You two have some explaining to do" Chan says, eyeing the twins.

His eyes look dull and dark, and even more tired than usual as he sends them both a look of anger and disappointment. Which is to be expected, since it is now 5 o'clock, meaning that Felix and Jisung were out for the entire night, and that Chan has been awake the entire time freaking out because none of them were answering their phones and he had no idea where they were.

Jeongin however, also sitting at the kitchen table along with them, looks at them with red-ish eyes, hinting that he had indeed cried for hours because of his missing hyungs.

"Sorry hyung, it was really irresponsible of us. But we promise that it will never happen again!" Felix says apologetically.

"Yeah it better not!" Chan replies, tugging harshly at his own hair. "Gosh, you don't know how scared I was! I was calling around to everyone i knew, and no one had seen you, and at one point i was really convinced that you were...."

"Hyung, we get it. We're extremely sorry for worrying you two like this..." Jisung says and shamefully looks down as he realises just how stressing it must've been for Chan.

"So, what happened?" Chan asks bluntly. "And it better be a good reason."

Jisung and Felix share a look.

During the trip back to the dorm, on the bus, they had together discussed many things, including a good excuse for their leave that they would tell Chan.

"What do you think Wooyoung is?" Felix curiously asked as he stared out of the bus window, admiring the city at night.

"What he is?" Jisung asked confused. Felix had been quiet ever since their small conversation at Wooyoung's place, and Jisung had assumed he had many questions on his mind. And Jisung didn't blame him for it as he was doing the same.

There were so many things to consider; Felix suddenly turning into a vampire and biting Jisung before returning back to normal for no reason at all, both of their injuries completely healing and vanishing in a matter of hours, Wooyoung talking to them like he thought they knew something that they obviously didn't, and so much more. "What" Wooyoung was, however, was not the question he had expected from Felix, and it was not a question he had considered himself.

"Yeah, I mean like, supernatural being-wise. He's obviously not a human since he said so many strange things and all. Plus, no human goes around wandering at night, stumbles upon two dying teens who he brings home, all while casually killing a vampire on the way" Felix said, finally turning around to face his twin. 

"Um, he had a lot of books? Like, really old books. Ancient" Jisung answered after pondering on the question for a bit. With everything that had been going on in his mind, he had forgotten about Wooyoung himself. Felix couldn't blame him for not noticing however, Jisung was known for often not paying attention to  details. Sometimes he would even forget important stuff, such as an entire dance routine, the rap that he had written three minutes prior, and most commonly names and phone numbers. It was a miracle he even remembered Wooyoung's name.

"Books, huh?" Felix repeated, now looking back out the window.

Neither of the two were exceptionally smart. Jisung considered himself a genius in many fields, especially in music, and Felix was an amazing person all the way to the heart. Like, really amazing. (Plus he had frightening taekwondo skills.) Then again, none of them had ever been good with riddles, let alone real life mysteries, so figuring out someone's supernatural identity based off of books wasn't really in their field of expertise. 

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