Trouble with the mayor

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Tw Mentions of hitting abuse and bad stuff 

I got sent to my room just because said my real dad dad left and i'm was just saying the truth.

chapa : im not on their side but why did you say it rude and why did you say something rude

bose : chapa hes my stepdad he only was acting like that because we have you here he abuses me ok.  and he hits me when my mom isn't home thats why i  try to  cover it up with make up but now if he hits me again ill show her 

chapa : i know he does that bose im so sorry

bm: bose are you ok

bose: no mom hes not the person i want to be around when your not home he hits me hard and abuses me 

*takesoff his sweater he has no shirt under  

bm: oh my god

chapa : you didnt tell me t was this bad 

she was also distracted by his arm muscles but knew it wasn't the right time 

bose's mom noticed she was blushing at the sight 

bose mom left to go talk to his stepdad

bose turned around and saw her to 

he snapped her back to reality

chapa ; um hey *embarrassed*

bose : you were looking at my muscles weren't you

chapa :yea but ik its not right time

bose: i want to get out of here i knew he wasn't  trustworthy to my mom he was cheating with a girl every day 

chapa: take a nap and rest for a while 

bose: where are you going

chapa: if you don't mind i'm gonna stay with you to make sure your ok

bose: can we cuddle plz 

chapa: fine

mayor is home with a new lady 

chapa: bose wake up i hear a lady downstairs

bose gets up and runs downstairs to confront his stepdad and pics of them kissing that random lady 

bose: um i see that is not mom 

mayor:ik it's not are you stupid while your dumbass mom is in paris with her brother this is my new girlfriend

bose takes a picture of her then of him so that mayor tells him to delete that photo of his  new girlfriend 

mayor: did you just take a picture 

bose:of myself yes i have to get chapa and i have to school bye

we arrived

trent is on the mans nest tv

trent : we have breaking news the vice mayor trophy wife is in paris 

mary:that right trent and shes DEAD 

bose turned the tv off and off and cried chapa followed

chapa : oh my god bose i'm so sorry 

bose : i know who killed her

chapa :what! how? when? explain plz

bose :yup. i heard mayor eased dropping with his friends? two weeks ago?

chapa : wow 

bose : your telling me 

miles: wow dude i didn't know 

bose : and i didn't want you to know what's up with you and mika always easedropping on mine and chapa's  converstations

miles:i'm sorry

bose: are you ok then don't tell mika she'll feel bad then get all over me like when she accidentally fell when heard my grandma died,and mika  she was way too cligy.

miles:i promise not to tell her 

bose : thank you 

chapa:if she tells me you told her about it you gonna get it do u understand 


part two later at night today around 8;30 if not around 12;15 again if not Friday at like 2:00 in the morning if i want to but knowing i will be doing it .

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