Chapter 20

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After a very long dinner consisting of mostly quiet eating, the clacking of the metal silverware, and the pushing around of food on plates, Daniel's father once again asks if my answer had changed.

"So, Lilison, have you thought about my question?" He daps the corner of his mouth with one of the fabric napkins that was brought out with the feast.

"No, my answer remains the same." I push the green bean around until it lands in the pile of mash potatoes on my plate.

"That's a pity." He says before snapping his fingers.

The fork clatters out of my hand as I am ripped out of my seat. Doug starts to push me towards the large door. Before we get there he redirects me to the corner of the room.

"Lily out of all the people that my son could date, I thought that you would be the most reasonable. Be able to see the logic in admitting to your own mistakes." I hear the scrapping of chairs behind me. I try to look over my shoulder but the grim message is clear on my guard's face, I am supposed to keep looking into the corner.

After a couple silent moments, I hear Daniel grunt, almost as if he was punched. Based on the state of his face, he likely was. My hand goes over my mouth to keep the noise in as the realization hits me with horror. They want me to stand here and listen as they beat the shit out of him.

The minutes inch by. Each smack, I flinch. Daniel, however, stopped making noise a while ago. Now, all I hear is the impact of punches or kicks against flesh. I have tried to break away from my spot in the corner, tried to get around the thug blocking my way, but unfortunately for a man of such great size, Doug can move fast.

I went to try to speak, but quickly closed it when Doug whispered to not say anything.

Finally after forever, I am turned around to see the damage. There laying limpy at the feet of his mother and father is Daniel. This time when I try to get to him, I am able to slip past Doug.

I rush to the broken boy. His labored breaths tell me everything that I need to know. He is alive, but barely.

"How could you?" I say looking up at the two disgraces in front of me. Their expressions are cocky. They know their actions are wrong and are thrilled by the effect that they are having on me.

"You have the nerve to stand there and smile. You two are monsters. You two-" The smack sends me face sideways. I put my hand up to calm my burning skin and turn back to the pair in front of me. When I pull it away from my check, my fingers are dotted with red. Her nails had cut me.

"Don't you dare talk to me that way, Missy. Especially in my own home." Mr. Lostino has to hold his wife back from coming after me.

"I guess we know who wears the pants in this relationship." Instead of sicking his wife on me like I'm sure Mr. Lostino wants to, he nods his head over to I'm assuming Doug. One second I am standing and the next I am being carried out the room by my waist like a petulant child.

The door closes loudly behind us. Halfway back to my room, I am finally set back on my legs.

"A little piece of advice, don't talk back to them." He gruffs out, before returning back to silence.

"Gee thanks, even I could figure that out." I mumble, putting my hand back up to my cheek. I have hung out with the Lowmens/Lostinos plenty of times over the last couple years. I mean you have to when they are the parents of your boyfriend. How could they go from such amazing people, who were always one step away from pinching their son's cheeks because of how cute they thought he was, to horrible ones that kick him in the ribs to make sure that he stays down?

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