Chapter 12

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A knock was heard around the apartment, making Jungkook run to the door.

"I will take it!"yelled Jungkook before opening it up, he smiled happily and hugged his baby.

"My princess is home!"yelled Jungkook, kissing his girl's cheek. She giggled and squeezed his cheeks happily.

"I have missed you, daddy.", said Selhyun, a pout on his lips. Jungkook awed and kissed his daughter.

"I have missed you too.", said Jungkook. He heard a chuckle, making him look up at Yoongi.

"Hi Yoongi."; said Jungkook, a smile on his lips. Yoongi nodded.

"Before you go wit Seolhyun I need to talk with you."; said Yoongi. Jungkook looked at Yoongi confused before nodding. He picked his daughter up and kissed her cheek.

"Okay...Jin can take care of Seolhyun while we talk,"said Jungkook before walking into the bedroom.

"Jin, can you take care of Seolhyun for me?", asked Jungkook. Jin clapped his hands.

"Of course, come here little princess.", said Jin happily. Selhyun giggled and hugged Jin. Jin smiled happily and kissed the princess's cheek.

Jungkook walked into the living room.

"Do you want some tea?", asked Jungkook. Yoongi shook his head.

"I am okay,"said Yoongi. Jungkook nodded and sat down with Yoongi.

"So what did you want to talk about?", asked Jungkook, looking into Yoongi's eyes. Yoongi looked at Jungkook before speaking up.

"I am pregnant.", said Yoongi. Jungkook's eyes widened as he choked on his saliva.

"Really? Congrats.", said Jungkook, he was still heartbroken but he knew Yoongi was happy now. But he raised his eyebrow. "Who is the father?", asked Jungkook.

"You.", said Yoongi. Jungkook looked at Yoongi shocked.

"Really? How far are you?", asked Jungkook. Yoongi bit his lips.

"I am due in a week,"; said Yoongi. Jungkook looked at Yoongi.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier? I have missed nine months of the pregnancy and you are almost done."; said Jungkook. Yoongi nodded.

"I know, I just didn't have any time to talk with you. I am now alone with Seolhyun and have to work on the new songs and-", he was broken off when Jungkook grabbed his hand.

"Calm down..", said Jungkook calmly. "You shouldn't overwork yourself that hard, it's not good for the baby or you, I don't want you to get hurt.", said Jungkook softly. Yoongi teared up at the male's words, he hugged Jungkook tight.

"I missed you so much.", said Yoongi, sobs leaving his mouth. Jungkook smiled and held Yoongi close.

"I have missed you too.", said Jungkook, a smile on his face. From afar was Jin, holding Seolhyun in his arms.

"My princess, it seems that daddy and papa are getting back together.", said Jin, a smile on his lips. Seolhyun looked at the couple.

"I have missed daddy.", said Seolhyun. Jin chuckled and pinched her cheeks. "Since daddy left papa has gained weight, now he looks like a ball.", said Seolhyun, making Jin choke on his saliva.

"My are getting a sibling.", said Jin. Seolhyun gasped, her cat-like eyes on Jin.

"I don't want a sibling, babies are ugly."; said Seolhyun. Jin giggled at the princess in his arms.

"Now the princess might not like it, but later she will love it,"said Jin. Seolhyun pouted and buried her face into Jin's neck, making a grumpy face as Jin laughed.

"I am the only princess.", said Seolhyun. Jin smiled.

"And you always will.", said Jin, booping her nose. "Now why not go and talk with papa and daddy?", asked Jin. Seolhyun clapped her hands happily, totally forgetting what they talked about. Jin let the girl down on the floor and watched her run up to the couple.

"Papa, daddy!", yelled Seolhyun, jumping into Yoongi's arms. The couple laughed at their cute daughter.

Jin looked from afar, happy that Jungkook was finally happy again. 

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