First Lovers Chapter 1

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Mobius walked into school with a small skip in his step, he headed to his locker & began placing his books neatly inside & then, as always, that raven-haired boy came walking down the corridor. Loki. Mobius' best friend.Loki would usually walk over & greet Mobius. But today, he didn't. There were around ten girls swarming around him, & he looked so smug about it. Mobius bit down on his tongue. It was only Valentine's Day, & it was atleast a week away from now.Mobius slumped down in the chair of his History class, which was usually his favourite lesson, but all he could think about was Loki.Yup, February 7th. & they were in what, the eighth grade? This was all pathetic. Mobius walked the exact opposite way. He couldn't quite understand why he felt so angered by this.The two boys went their separate ways. They didn't have many classes together as it was, but they were still probably the closest friends you could imagineHis pretty dark hair which flowed in soft ringlets down his shoulders, his ever so soft looking lips-Mobius shook himself to remove such thoughts from his head, he seriously couldn't understand why he was thinking, & feelings these things.Loki was the only thing he thought about for the entire two hours of the lesson. By the end of the lesson, the conclusion he came to was that he did actually have a crush on Loki.The first thing that Mobius had almost done was have an entire mental breakdown, because he knew that this would most likely end in a lost friendship, moving schools once again, & it would just be a bad time overall. He nodded to himself about his 'great' conclusion, & walked out of the classroom rather proudly after the bell for lunch had began ringing.Then, he thought that he could just have a little harmless crush, that nobody would have to find out about. It'd go away eventually, & everything would be just fine. Mobius strolled down the corridor, & into the lunch hall. He was glad to see that Loki was sitting at their usual table, & not with the girls elsewhere. He figured that this crush was probably going to be a bit more difficult than some of his past crushes, & that he would absolutely have to think of new plan.The thing with Loki having so many girls swooning over him wasn't the problem, because it wasn't like Mobius hadn't had his fair share in female attention, but it was nothing ever close to what Loki had.A few girls had crushes on Mobius at the most. Not that anything would ever come from it anyway, since Mobius was firmly not into girls. But Loki, Loki was different. He was definitely into girls, so any of these girls could come along someday & they'd swoop Loki up & he would be taken from Mobius forever.Okay, maybe that is a big dramatic, but when you're in middle school, crushes are a big deal. The entire talk of the school goes to anyone who is in a relationship. As soon as you get a boyfriend or girlfriend, you might as well accept the uncanny 'fame' that comes along with it.Mobius headed to the table, & pulled out a seat. It was next to Loki. Loki threw Mobius a small smirk & said "Good afternoon, Mobius."Hey, Lok." Mobius allowed his gaze to linger on Loki's face for a second, "Your hair looks pretty today."Mobius pushed his own glasses up & looked away, desperately trying to find a distraction from the pathetic excuse that could also be regarded as a compliment that he had just made.Loki flushed a little at the compliment, & mumbled a little "Thanks," he liked when Mobius said he was pretty, more so than he'd like to admit.Mobius was grateful, to say the least, when Val slapped her hands down on the table which the group of friends were sitting around, "So! Valentine's Day is coming up, does anyone have a date?"She asked, scanning the table. Her eyes lingered on one person in particular for just a millisecond longer.Loki smiled at her softly, he knew what she was getting at, she'd had a huge crush on Carol for a while now. But before he could get a word in, Nat spoke "Nope. But I've seen plenty of girls swarming around Loki."Mobius rolled his eyes, "Ah, yup."

Loki looked at Mobius. He was confused, "What?"

Mobius turned quiet, "Nothing."Loki couldn't understand why Mobius was getting so jealous, "Hey, I'm sure that you'll find a girlfriend someday. Besides, I don't like any of those girls," Loki reassured Mobius, he was never this kind to any of the others.actually heard a person in our class the other day saying that she thinks that you're cute, Mobius!" Nat interjected into Loki & Mobius' debate.Loki looked over at Nat, a scowl was plastered on his face. It was his turn to be jealous now, "Who? Do I know them? What's their name?" he started to bombard Nat with questions.already like someone," Mobius knew that this move was risky, but Loki's sudden outburst had made him feel a little confident. He figured that Loki could like boys too, not just girls.Everyone looked at Mobius, & Nat gave him a look of betrayal "What? Who? How come I have never heard of this?"Mobius blushed a little, "It's, um. Nevermind."

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