❤️First Lovers Chapter 2

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Mobius presents his most prized possession, his favourite story he’s ever written, to Loki & also comforts Nat as she struggles with watching her crush get a boyfriend.

Chapter Text
Sleeping on it did little good for Mobius.

Mobius was sitting at the groups' lunch table, as per usual, paying next to no attention to the conversation. He had slept well, but it did nothing that he hoped it would do. He wanted to solve Loki.

Loki was engaged in the conversation, talking animatedly. Mobius was still stuck in his brain until Loki shook him.


Mobius squinted his eyes a little, "Huh- uh pardon?"

Loki rolled his eyes, "I was telling everyone about what a good swimmer you actually are," Loki smiled kindly before returning to his storytelling.

Mobius' cheeks turned red, he decided to actually listen now. He loved how excitable Loki could be. The way his actions would become much larger & extravagant when he was talking about something which was meaningful to him, Mobius liked the feeling of being meaningful to Loki. Even if he had finished talking about going to watch the swim team practice, he was talking about a book he had read now. Mobius figured that it was the one Loki has been reading yesterday.

Then, an alarm went off inside of Mobius' head. He picked his bag up, & delved inside of it, eventually picking out a thick looking pile of paper. It was stapled together, & in big font on the front it said  "A dagger for your thoughts" & in smaller font underneath, it said "By M.M Mobius".

Mobius interrupted Loki "Lok," was all he said. It was just a tiny bit inconsiderate as Loki was in deep conversation with Tony, Stephen (he sat at their table now, apparently) & Val. Loki didn't seem to mind. Of course he didn't. His head jolted over to Mobius, & he smiled, that same way he had smiled earlier. The smile he reserved just for Mobius, "Yeah?" he asked softly. His voice went slower & more quiet, like they were having some type of illicit affair.

"New story," Mobius handed him the paper, Loki was always the first, & only, person to read Mobius' stories. That's just how it had always been, ever since they were children. Mobius would write stories, & Loki would read them, & he'd even sometimes act them out. Although, the stories were much more different now. They had stemmed from fantasy tales about Greek gods to romantic angst through the years gone by. It always confused Loki. He didn't understand why Mobius was so drawn to writing about romantic affairs when he'd never even had any himself. Atleast, that's what Loki assumed. He figured that Mobius would tell him if he had a girlfriend, or a boyfriend.

Loki wanted Mobius to write a story about him.

& that was what Mobius had done, but Loki didn't know. & this was the story. This story was Mobius' favourite story he had ever written. He loved everything about it. It was so true to him. He'd included quite a sentimental speech about love, which had he debated putting in or not. It could perceived as a lousy metaphor, especially by someone like Loki who seemed to excel in whatever he chooses to do. Whether it be tennis or art, Loki would always be an overachiever, Mobius assumed it had something to do with his dad favouring Thor, Loki's brother, throughout their entire childhood.

Mobius watched Loki as he read the story. For the entire time. Loki didn't seem to notice, which Mobius was glad for. Loki seemed quite enveloped throughout the story, & Mobius couldn't tell whereabouts he was in the plot line. But as Loki flipped to the final page, Mobius knew what Loki was reading now.

" Love, is a dagger.
It's a weapon to be wielded
far away or up close.
You can see yourself in it.
It's beautiful.
Until it makes you bleed.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2022 ⏰

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