Nebuchadnezzar (Chapter Three)

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 Neo opened his eyes he saw Morpheus's face it was surrounded by a glowing light.  "... am I dead?" Neo asked. "Far from it," Morpheus answered he opened his eyes again and felt a tingling sensation running through his body. He sees now that his body is covered in needles dozens wired to a device of some sort.  "He still needs a lot of work." Neo heard the man with Morpheus say "What are you doing?" Neo asked knowing that his charade is far from being over despite having entered this so-called "Real World."

"Your muscles have atrophied. We're rebuilding them." Morpheus answered, "Why do my eyes hurt?" Neo asked, "You've never used them before." was the answer. Morpheus closed Neo's eyes and Neo laid back. "Rest, Neo. The answers are coming." Morpheus said as Neo asleep, 

Neo woke up after who knows how long it had been he felt better refreshed even he noticed an IV plugged into the socket of his forearm he removed it slowly he ran his hand over his head he had no hair. He was interrupted by Morpheus opening the door "Morpheus, what's happened to me? What is this place?" Neo asked "more important than what is when? Morpheus answered "When," Neo asked "You believe the year is 1997 when in fact it is much closer to 2197.I can't say for certain what year it is because we honestly do not know." Morpheus informed him.

"There is no reason for me to try to explain it when I can simply show it. Come with me." Morpheus beckoned Neo to follow him. Neo followed Morpheus through the ship like a lost puppy he hated this he needed to take this seriously he needed to get in contact with that man as soon as possible. "This is my ship, the nebuchadnezzar. It's a hovercraft." Morpheus told Neo and Neo though "Nebuchadnezzar." what a name to pick. "Small like a submarine. It'scramped and cold. But it's home." Morpheus said as they went to the main deck everyone was there waiting for him it seemed. "This is the main deck. You know most of my crew." Morpheus turned and faced the others people Neo didn't recognize or know but did he really care to know them?

"The ones you don't know. That'sMouse, Cypher, and Switch. Those two guys are Tank and Dozer." The names and faces were nothing to him all interchangeable meaningless they weren't interesting the didn't intrigue him not like that mystery man he was working for he was interesting and he still didn't know his name but regardless he was here to help him. "And this, this is the Core. This is where we broadcast our pirate signal and hack into the Matrix." Morpheus explained it seemed to be all electronic a bunch of computer monitors and random electronics smashed together to make something new did this junk even function.  

At the center here are six ecto-skeletonchairs made of a poly-alloy frame and suspension harness. Near the circle of chairs is the control console and operator's station where the network is monitored. "You want to know what the Matrix is, Neo? The answer is right here." Morpheus said touching the back of Neo's head.  "Help him, Trinity," Morpheus ordered and Neo allowed himself to be helped into one of the six chairs.  Trinity carefully guided a coaxial line into the jack at the back of his neck. "This will feel a little weird," Morpheus explained there were several gross noises as Morpheus the needle in. Neo grimaced uncomfortably until a loud click went off and his ears pop like when you have them underwater. 

Neo opened his eyes to find himself standing in an empty white space.  "This is the construct," Morpheus explained Neo turned finding Morpheus "It is our loading program. We can load anything from clothes to weapons, to training simulations. Anything we need." Morpheus said Morpheus walked past him and when he turned he saw the two leather chairs the same ones from the hotel from earlier back home back in the matrix. "Sit down," Morpheus ordered and Neo did so he didn't like taking orders but he had to gain trust. "Right now, we're inside a computer program?" Neo asked and Morpheus smiled. 

 "Is it so hard to believe? Your clothes are different, the plugs in your arms and head are gone. Look at your hair, you were bald a moment ago." Morpheus explained. Neo touched his head once more "It's what we call residual self-image. The mental projection of your electronic self. Wild, isn't?" Morpheus asked as Neo ran his hand over the leather of the chair.  "This -- This isn't real?" Neo asked.  "What is real? How do you define real? If you're talking about what you feel, taste, smell, or see, then real is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain." Morpheus said as he picked up the remote control and turned on the TV that was their images of the city where Neo lived played on the screen.

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