It's all gravy, baby

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It was a beautiful Saturday during the month of March. I went outside and took a look at my white Honda. It was pretty messy with prices of doo doo on it, so I hopped inside and drove to the car wash. As I rolled up to the car wash, I saw a bald man with older looking women, possibly moms. I parked and stepped outside my car. As soon as he laid eyes on me, he snatched off his bald cap, revealing his fluffy blonde hair.

He walked up to me and stated, "I mostly do milfs, but you fine." I stood there in shock.

"I- I- I- I- I-................"

"My name is Yung Gravy, A.K.A Mr. Clean, you can call me Dr. Pristine."

"M- m- m- m- my name is Tracy🥺🥺🥺"

Gravy stared at me with wide eyes, finally spitting out the words, "Oh nah nah nah, you mean Tracy with the Honda?" I then pointed at the Honda, which still had the prices of doo doo on it.

"Come with me to my hot tub." Gravy said with a smirk. He grabbed my hand and walked me over to his Lamborghini. I entered the car and took a deep whiff. It smelled a lot like gravy. He then pulled a bowl of gravy out of his pants.


He then began speeding down the road. Once we arrived at our destination, I was amazed. His house was huge! He then helped me exit the car and led me to the front door. Once I stepped foot inside the house, the first thing I saw was a zebra. It was a little weird, but I didn't mind.

"Did you know that today is National Women's Day?" I asked.

Gravy then turned to me, gave me a small grin and replied, "Every day is women's day, don't trip." I chuckled, he is kind of cute. We finally made it to his kitchen. There were countless boxes of Froot Loops cereal and glasses of milk.

"Follow me to the hot tub, it's just outside." Gravy explained. "It's a blast from the past in the hot tub." I followed him outside. I then shockingly saw T-Pain singing.

"OOH CAN I GET A HOT TUB, AW SHUCKS!" T-Pain sang. I was really scared. Gravy grabbed my hand and brought my inside the hot tub.

"It's gonna be all gravy baby😏😏😏😏." He pulled out his phone and started listening to ASMR.

"I have to use the bathroom." I said as I stepped out of the hot tub. Suddenly, I slipped, causing Gravy to drop his phone.

"Oops!!! UWU🥺🥺" I apologized.

"😡 I am mad. My phone got wet, I'm glad I got double." Gravy expressed.

"ok lol" I replied. I then ran away and started dating Gravy's mom. We bought a house and got a cat named Floppa.

 We bought a house and got a cat named Floppa

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