Chapter 1

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I'm not sure why I did this too myself I really didn't want a demon but I knew I couldn't leave the pet store without them.

The boy had pretty red eyes and the girl he was with was beautiful. I was honestly surprised on why no one had bought them. The girl did have a muzzle in her mouth but that wasn't too uncommon for demons.

I slowly walked for to them the boy looked a little scared and the girl growled lowly. They both looked skinny and underfed. With a sigh I got up, I walked over to the employee and asked"why are those demons over there so skinny" he looked at me kinda annoyed "they have been misbehaving, that's there punishment".

After hearing that I felt sick to my stomach food should never be taken as a punishment."well what have they been doing to be so bad?" I said I could feel myself getting more and more annoyed. "Well we can't adopt them out separately they are too attached if one goes without the other stops eating and start crying and they refuse too listen" he said pretty meanly.

"May I walk back over and talk to them?" I said I just wanted to chat with them see why they were doing this."I don't care do whatever you want" the man said without even looking back at me as he walked away.

So slowly I walked back over to them the boy was looking at be questionably and the girl looked super sleepy behind him." Hi hun how are you feeling" I said kinda nervously the boy looks at me with those pretty red eyes he looks scared now he goes in front of the girl more probably to protect her if I tried anything.

He still didn't say anything " I just wanted to know why you are getting punished sweetheart" hopefully me talking softly like that will make him feel a bit better.

In a quiet voice he says "because they try to take her away but I won't let anyone hurt my sister" I honestly felt bad he was willing to risk his food and maybe a good home for his sister. "Oh you poor thing" it pretty sounded sarcastic at the time but I did genuinely feel bad.

I knew I shouldn't but leaving them there would only cause the boy to get his neck cut and the poor girl to probably be used a as a breeder. You sat up a bit more the boy is still looking at you with wide eyes "can you please tell me your name hun" you say in a soft voice. He looks a little shaken but again in a small voice he replies " tanjiro and that's my little sister nezuko" he was starting to look a little less scared now.

You knew you at that moment they were both coming home with you, you only hoped they would agree. Nezuko was sound asleep behind her brother you couldn't help but sigh you had no experience with demons and you never really wanted one.

"Hey sweetheart how would like to go home with me you and your sister both" the word left my mouth before I could think twice. Tanjiro really looked shaken up now " I don't understand what do you want from us please you can't take her away from me" he said this time there was more emotion in his voice poor boy was scared he had tearing rolling down his cheeks.

"Honey I promise I wouldn't do that you and her both can come to my house and stay with me"I say that slowly hoping it will calm him down just a bit. He still looking at me crying "I know it's scary but I don't want to hurt you,you'll die if you keep this up you both are so skinny" at this point I'm about to start just begging him, he's shaking but lower his head "you have to promise not to hurt her if you want someone to beat up on use me" he said still looking down.

Your eye soften as you look at him "I wouldn't do that to you I just want to give you both a good home" after I said that he nots his head slowly. With the okay you just got you walked back over to the front desk.

"Sir I would like to adopt those two demons today" I say with confidence he looked at be surprised but went to the back to get their papers. You can feel tanjiro eyes on your back you can only hope he doesn't change his mind you start to look forward to the feeling of not being alone in your house.

The man walks back with papers in his hand he throw some down on the table for me to sign. With a annoyed look he says "I don't know why you are wasting your money on those shit heads but just remember we accept your turns but when you do they are both getting their neck cut". That really pissed you off " what make you think I would even want to return them and are good and I know if they just want to stay with each and there is nothing wrong with that" I say angrily.

The man just walked away to get his boss so he can unlock the poor demons I walk back over to the cage they were being held in and see tanjiro slowly waking up nezuko and explaining the situation to her. She now also looks at me with big eyes a little less scared then her brother surprisingly she still had the muzzle in her mouth. You'll have to see about removing that when you get them home.

The boss walks over to us with a big smile on his face thanking me for my purchase. It made me sick these poor creatures get treated like brainless animals. The boss was now unlocking the cage tanjiro let out a little growl  you could tell it was because of how nervous he was. The boss now looked angry he raised his hand to hit the poor boy but without thinking I yelled at him "stop don't lay a hand on him he's mine now you can't hit him" that seemed to make him look more mad "fine you unlock them then" he said tossing the keys to me.

I would add a little sigh relief that Tanjiro   didn't have to get hurt again. When I walked over he looked even more scared he was crying again Nezuko was gently nuzzling into his side to try to make him feel better you smiled softly up that it was very sweet. "Shhh hun it's okay I got you now I won't let anyone hurt you" I say as softly as I can. They looked up at you his eyes looked so helpless and loss it was clear they have both been hurting for awhile.

I slowly lowered yourself onto your knees and gently put the leash onto their collars.standing back up "please come out to the car with me" you say they looked at each other before slowly getting up. They both struggle to get up tanjiro help nezuko by letting her lean on him as they slowly and unsteadily made it back to your car.

I got them in the backseat and all buckled up nezuko was looking like she was about to fall asleep again. Tanjiro was looking out the window his eyes looked excited for the first time since you have met him I couldn't help but smile softly. You couldn't help but ask about nezuko and her sleeping " hey sweetie is your sister okay she has been sleeping a lot"you say gently, he looked at you surprised "uhh yeah no need to worry she's okay but she needs to sleep a lot to conserve her energy" he said.

I didn't really understand but you also didn't know much about demon so maybe it was a normal thing for them. After about other 10 minutes you pulled up to your house you turn around and see tanjiro trying to wake nezuko and she was not too to happy about that. Holding back a laugh you get out of the car " it's okay hun I'll just carry her in and then you too can lay back and relax for the night, tomorrow we can get you more set up" you say looking at tanjiro while picking up nezuko he looks up at you nervously.

With nezuko still in your arm you and tanjiro walk into your house he looks even more anxious if that was even possible. His eyes are looking around the room quickly probably trying to see if there was an escape route if he needed to get him and nezuko away from me.

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