Chapter 1

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Lonna's P.O.V.
"Your crazyyyyy!" I shouted for like the tenth time to Penny.
"I know right!" Penny called back.
She just randomly told us all we were going sky diving because Ray would not go with her. I like riding IN the plane not jumping out. But she said that she would push me out. So... here I am. By the way, we are falling I need to puke but it would fly all over me. Then I grab Penny... and slap her. "What was that for!?" Penny screamed. "I,"hate,"thissssssss!" I said between gasps of air. "Ohhhh." She laughed at me "I knew you would!"that was the point!" Penny said "just like always."

Authors note: sorry it's a short chapter but I'm really lazy today

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