the other women

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[play the other women by lana]

the other women - Lana del ray

the other women has time to manicure her nails while mine are covered in dry paint. The other women enchants her clothes with French perfume, while I embrace the oil scent of the art room. As her hair has pins to keep her curls, mine is tied up with loose hairs flowing in the air. The other women has fresh flowers while mine are weathering away.

"Y/n! Y/n!" you hear voices chanting your name from a distance. Stop it's too loud. You groaned slightly opening your eyes. The bright light shinned in your eyes as you saw blurry figures.

"Y/n? She's up!" You recognized that higher pitched voice, it was Armin's. You were in a daze. Nothing felt real, it was like a blurry dream.

You saw another figure run up to you. You felt his touch on your skin. You knew it was Eren. The way his eyes were filled with concern and how his face was full in distraught. His fingers slightly trembled as he caressed your cheek. His fingers were so cold but made your body feel so warm.

Your eyes shot up. You rapidly looked around, you're in your bed. How did I get here? Your head was bounding, feeling your migraine. You couldn't recall what happened. All you remember was seeing Mikasa and Eren.

You groaned in pain. You began walking to your kitchen to get some pills. When you walk in the scent of food hits your nostrils.

The tall man that let his hair flow loosely was cooking. "Eren?" You called out to him. He turned around with a worried look engraved into his eyes. "Y/n? How are you feeling?" Eren asked, giving you his full attention. "Sorry, I guess I was too tired and passed out" You said, getting a glass to fill with water. Eren furrowed his eyebrows "You should've told me you weren't feeling well" he slightly raised his voice.

He was angry. Not at you but at himself. He felt as he pressured you to go with him. When you fainted a pain of guilt took over, he didn't know what to do. So he brought you home and stayed until you woke up.

"I'm sorry" you quietly mumbled. You poured water into your glass and took a sip. You walked over to your medicine cabinet, reaching for something for your headache. You grabbed a bottle of Advil. Before you could open it Eren took it away.

"Eat something first" He whispered into your ear. His body was hovering over you. Eren put his head on your shoulder and mumbled a sorry. You softly smiled.

You loved when he showed you his caring side. It was something only you got to see. Yet, why did your heart feel so heavy?

Eren made you pancakes with the leftover powder you had in your cabinet.

You wanted to cry. You didn't understand why. Maybe you felt guilty or grateful maybe even both. Or maybe it was because you've never felt this much love in your whole life. A love that wasn't only directed to your art but to you. You make me wanna cry in a good way.

You ate in silence. It wasn't awkward or uncomfortable it was just quiet. It was a comfortable silence. Only you felt like that around Eren.

"What?" His gentle voice hit your ears, pulling you out of your trance. "Hm? Nothing" you replied. "You've been staring at me, something on my face called beauty?" You scoffed with a following laugh. His stupid jokes really made you feel better.

He smiled. That beaming smile that radiates my happiness. His smile that became my guiding light. A lonely light, to become God's light, pure and heavenly perhaps he would be a firefly that would lead me out of my darkness.

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