Eye contact

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Alydia was just waiting in line to board the plane when they announced that the flight was cancelled she was bummed out but when she turned around she saw a familiar face but she couldn't quit get it in her head who it was. They stared at eachither for what felt like forever the eye contact was so insane they were hungry for each other they definitely had chemistry and then it clicked it was Timothee chalamet the TIMOTHEE CHAMLAMET and then her eyes widen and he knew he saw her befor......

They were standing so close not even a foot apart and she could smell him, he smelt so good she could just jump on him right there and take him in front of everyone she didnt care who saw, he couldn't take his eyes off of her it was so intense.... But then Her parents dragged her away but she couldn't get him out of her head fast forward tomorrow!!!! It was early morning to catch the next flight 3:00am she was there when he walked out of the bathroom his eyes had dark circles but not gonna lie it turned her on. When he saw her he knew he had to talk to her... so when she got up to go to the bathroom he followed her when she got in there he shut the door behind them and locked it, it was just the two of them in there she scared but then he grabbed her hands and he pationally kissed her, her  lips were so soft and he didn't expect her to be that good of a kisser for a 14 year old.

The age didn't matter to him her soul just sucked him right up and the way she talked just turned him on but then she grabbed by the nuts and twisted and punched him in the face and ran out crying, she now knew that he didn't remember her and what they did last summer she was so hurt that she just got on the plane and never saw him again


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2022 ⏰

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