Chapter 2 ~ Your savior

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Chapter 2 time babyyy~
I'm so excited that 8 of you decided to view my story! Please remember to leave some recommendations, or just comment your reactions to some of the parts!
I'll leave you to reading my book now, have fun!<3

I couldn't wake up, but felt the air harshly pick at my skin. You were going too fast to wherever i'm going. I'm wearing a sleeveless shirt with some shorts, as it was quite sunny making it hot today, and was meant to be perfect. Turns out it was quite the opposite.

The only things I can remember are my uncle's last breaths, my childhood, and that strange group of kids. 2 are boys as well as 1 girl. Maybe they had the same reason as me for going out too.
To spend time in the sunshine, maybe get a tan.

I got dragged out of my thoughts. Quite literally, I feel someone dragging me by the back of my shirt, then put sitting me up against a wall.

I opened my eyes, (finally) and saw that I'm on a rooftop, leaning against a chimney. I looked down to the ground, where I could see smaller titans trying to reach up the the rooftop, also with two bigger titans, walking towards the house.
I remember my uncle dying in the beasts jaw. Hell, I didn't even want to think about these human-eating monsters.

My grief quickly turned into rage as I saw the same titans that killed my uncle, head towards where those kids were running to.
I stood up, faster than I should have because I stumbled back, but caught myself upright.

Tch was the last thing you heard when you saw a small man with dark raven-like hair glide up on wires, and kill the 2 titans closing in on the house I was on. He spun down, slashing the titan's napes in the process. Leaving no time to spare, he quickly killed the titans that were smaller than the house.

I wish I could do that... I continued to think about how I could learn what he did. That was amazing! He looked so graceful doing it too..
"Oi. I've handled it, now stop yelling, you brat."

I turned my head, revealing a small man looking up at me. I was only a few centimetres taller than him, but still. (Your 5'4, the writer's height)

"What?" He questioned me as I stared down at him blankly.
"How old are you?"
"I said how ol"- I looked into his eyes. He seemed very annoyed. You see him look behind you, which made you look too.

All I saw was the same titan eating what looked like a young woman. Sorrow filled you.
Imagine how many people lost their lives today... I thought to myself. You were shocked to immediately be brushed by the man's clothes. You looked up to his face. He was looking back at me as he zipped off towards the same titan you just watched eat someone else.
"HEY! WHERE ARE YOU GOING? HOW DO I GET OFF!? HE"- I'm quick to stop as I thought that he might be trying to save someone else. What am I meant to do now? Just wait here until I die?
"How did you get up here? There's no ladders here anywhere. Let alone any stairs."

A woman wearing grey & black glasses, with brown messy hair, tied up into a bun.
"Well? It's not safe up here. Come here." I did as  was told.
She held my waist and helped me down by hanging onto the wire that was attached to the roof, falling down slowly.
Once I reached the ground, I looked ahead. Soldiers from the scout regiment, torn to pieces or half-eaten laid on the ground, lifeless.

3 minutes later

I ran towards the boat with the woman. I saw a whole crowd of people waiting to get onto the boat. The woman pushed through, making people yell horrible remarks at her. She forced me onto the boat, making me almost fall off.

She gave the biggest smile I've seen all day. She got death stares after that. How could she be smiling at a time like this!? What an odd woman... Anyway, nobody has ever wanted me to join the scout regiment before. Does she think I have potential? I looked to the people yelling at the soldiers, screaming even, wanting to get on the boat. It felt like I was pushed over when I landed on my knees, grazing them on the hard wooden flooring.

"Ouch.." The boat had started moving towards wall Rose.
"Are you ok? Let me help you.." I looked up to see a yellow haired boy with watery eyes, as if he was about to cry. Can't blame him, kids were wailing at the sight of leaving their parents.

"Thank you.." He grabbed the hand I held out and pulled me up. We stared at each other for a bit before he asked me:
"What's your name?"
"Y/n.." I replied.
"Armin, my name's Armin."
He seemed shy.


My secret OBSESSION // Levi Ackerman x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now