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"Kristina!" her mom called from downstairs, no answer. "Dinners ready!"
Dinners already served for me. She thought as she looked at her wall, a proud display on a corkboard.
Time to go. She spoke in her head, grabbed her backpack and went out of her window.

Day 1

"Congratulations Kristina, your first day, your first murder," this man spoke to her from the other end of the wall.
"Why can't I look at you?" she asked.
"If you ever look at me, I'll kill you."

She took her backpack and walked toward her crime scene, unbeknownst to her the police were already there.
Instead of saying anything she watched from a distance and looked from afar.
This feels like the hunger games. A young woman lay on the ground in the middle of the park, the blood stained grass covered in a red shadow.

Day 2

"Don't be ridiculous! She's not involved in some murder," Kristina's mom said sounding very confused. She sipped her cup of tea and walked up the stairs. "Fine, I'll go into her room."
Her hand came to the doorknob and it started to shake, Kristina opened the door and her mother fell flat to the ground. Frofth was coming out of her mouth.
Day two is done. And yet no remorse... just take the battery and the phone and the conversation!
"No no , everything is clear," she said, trying to use her mom's accent.
"I heard you fall, is everything okay?"
"You know teens and there stupid untidiness, anyway I've got to go, see ya."

Day 3

You're showing great potential so far: stabbing and a poisoning. What's next? She thought to herself. She went to her backpack and took out her gun.
This is next.
Someone came up behind her, holding her tightly. It was relaxing, and he had a smell of the ocean waves.
"Remember you can't look at me," she softened into this man's body as he brushed her hair out of the way.
"Maybe we can do this one together?"
"Are you getting soft on me kristina?"
"No, I think you're warming up to me," the bullet fired through the air and it hit their target. The large figure in the distance collided with the ground he would now be calling home. "I know I can't look at you, but I'm going to squeeze my eyes tightly shut."
"Why would you do that?" He asked.
"If I'm warming up to you, and you're warming up to me, we should be able to face each other."
She closed her eyes and turned around and held her arms wide open.
"You can kill me if you want to, I have seven days left on my mission."
He didn't. He let her stand there with her arms open until he took up her offer.

Day 4

"I have a present for you!" He chimed excitedly as he covered her eyes.
"A present?" She asked as he removed his hands from her eyes to reveal a French guillotine.
"To some this is an odd gift, to you it's Christmas."
Day four was already done, there's the guillotine off of my list.

Day 5

The cold breeze of the cliff swept behind her neck and so did the warmth of his breath as he nestled his head into her, moving her hair out of the way as he watched on. This time, she'd not used physical force to do this deed. She let them do what they knew they would have to do through mental coercion.
Flying high and dropping low. The evidence of a woman with no family they would bestow.
"Watching it with you is liberating."
"Being with you is liberating." He said. And walked away.

Day 6, 7 , 8

Dancing to death, screaming to death, crying to death. All as she watched with him.

Day 9

Nearly the end of the road and without him today. She took a deep breath and took out her gun, this time she'd fire one on her own. As the gun shot rang so did her mind as she realised what day 10 was supposed to be. She'd done so many things in so little time and now she's realised what she had to do.
Her own.
I'm going to turn around with my eyes open and see his face and then he will do my murder.

Day 10 - Revalation

He was in his office listening to the weekend when she entered in a red silk dress, heels, makeup and her gun. While he had his back turned, she opened the door and put the gun on his desk.
Here goes nothing.
"Turn around," she said with a sharp tone to her voice. He spun around and looked in shock.
"You look beautiful," she said nothing to the compliment despite it making her feel a little in love. This man she was not supposed to look at was beyond her belief with his black loose curly hair, tanned skin and dark green eyes she longed to look at forever. But now, the gun was on the desk.
"At the beginning you promised you'd kill me if I looked at you,"
"That was until I didn't realise I'd died when I looked at you,"
"What are you talking about?"
"If there's anything to go by our little adventures and never properly knowing what each other look like, it's that we should have looked at each other to begin with but everything we've done together."
"So you're saying you're attracted to me?"
"As am I to you, is this what you want?" He looked at the gun to tell her what he meant and she gulped.
"It's day Ten."
"Then we do it together."
She walked closer to him to smell his signature scent.
"Kiss me before we die, that way I'll know I died and went to heaven."
Once they'd finished they both looked at each other hands trembling at the trigger.
"We didn't get to know where we lead," he said and it was the first time he was unsure.
"We could know..." she said, her eyes locked into his.
"This won't work, I can't kill on an odd number, we are ten and eleven."
"Then let's not die, we have the rest of our lives to do that."
"Day 9, it's not a prime number, it's got lots of factors," she laughed and so did he. They both put the gun down. But he picked his back up. "I have to keep my promise."

10 Days To Die Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon