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Let's have a brief chat, you and I, about storytelling.

I am not a professional author as of writing this (18 March 2022), nor do I claim to know what I'm doing. All I know is why I write, what to write, when to write, and I like to think that I have a mild inkling as to how to write. 

Perhaps you will feel differently as you read on. Ignobles is only the second novel I have written. The first was just 580 pages and about 300 hours worth of sludge too wretched to ever see the light of day. 

I hope that Ignobles is better. I also hope that you, dear reader, find it to be worth more than sludge. Lastly, I hope that you tell me what you think about it by dropping comments along the way for me to pick up. Mind you, this book is not in its final form as of yet. But be as ruthless as you please. While you are about to enter one of my many little worlds, there is nothing you can do to hurt it. Constructive criticism is why I'm here. Be as brutally honest as you like. 

"He who knows why he does something can bear almost any how." -Friedrich Nietzsche.

He was right. Implicit in that sentence is another fact: He who knows why can bear almost every word. 

 I'll let you decide what that means. Open interpretation is something I have done very little of in this book. I recommend you reread the prologue once you're done with it. Hopefully, it will all make sense then. If not, well, we've already agreed to be honest with each other. 

So here's my first bit of criticism for you: You must have a lot of time to spare, you could be reading the story instead of my ramblings. 

Story. A concept that's as old as mankind. How old that is, I'll leave for you to decide. Why humans are drawn to stories is a question I have spent much time thinking about. I don't have an answer to it, yet. But I do have an idea. A bad one, mind you. It could simply be that because we think in narratives, personify even the most inanimate things, and constantly need something to draw inspiration from, we are drawn to stories. Stories provide all three. 

I hope Ignobles provide those three things for you. If it does, there is little else that would make me happier. If it doesn't, well, you already know.

We did agree to be honest with each other.

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