Band-Aid Factory Variety Pack

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A/N: This is the missing chapter from Bob-Chan: chapter 10.5
*note: I highly recommend reading Bob-Chan before reading this, unless you want spoilers!!

One day, We got an an invitation to the Band-Aid factory from Bob-Senpai. At first we did not want to go but then Bob-Senpai bribed us with a variety pack of Band-Aids. When we got to the factory, we started to regret our decision because we realized Bob-Senpai was the geico free-range chicken. We tried to run away but then got bribed with more Band-Aids. Band-Aids were just too irresistible. When we entered the factory, we found out Band-Aid's secret: Bob-Senpai had turned all the workers into chickens. Bob-senpai told us to follow him into the back room. We refused again, but then saw a box of Band-Aids that was beckoning us towards the room. We ran after it. When we went into the back room Bob-Senpai locked us inside. We heard a machine start to turn on.
Moechi: I REGRET NOTHING!!! *plasters Band-Aids all over her face*
We then found a vent and climb up to it using a rope of Band-Aids. When we reached the top, Moechi dropped her box of Band-Aids.
Moechi: Nuuu! Band-Aid box-Kun
Me: *holds back tears* We must leave him. We cannot save him!
Both of us: *climb into the vent and hear the chicken-ator blast*
Moechi:I can't look! Poor Band-Aid box-Kun*looks away*
Band-Aid box-Kun:*is now a chicken*
Me:we will have time to mourn him later
Long story short, we escaped and held a funeral for Band-Aid box-kun

A/N: Hope you guys liked it because there will be more. Hehehe.=(^.^)=

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