Now your gone

32 4 2

Ok so this song or chapter or what ever you like to call it is dedicated to @nightmarewolf67 for such a great idea!! Thanks s bunch!!

Verse 1
I don't know what I'd do with out you right now, I don't now if I could make it through.

Verse 2
I felt like we were so close, then you left me crying on the street.

But now your gone, and I can't handle it, but now your gone, and I don't now what to do with my self.

Back to verse 1+2
I don't know what I'd do with out you right now, I don't now if I could make it through.
I felt like we were so close, then you left me crying on the street.

Verse 3
I feel like I had to do something, to help you, but I couldn't do anything.

But your gone___, and I can't do anything about it. I wish I could find a way to save you__.

But now your gone, and I can't handle it, but now your gone, and I don't now what to do with my self.

Now your gone_______, and I wish you were here__. but now your gone___, and I can't change that.

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