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The backstage area was messier than he expected. There were beer cans scattered more and more as they walked. The crew chaotically adjusted sets around them, running and whisper-yelling. They all wore black. Microphones jutted out of their headsets so they could hear each other over the loud music.

Newt wasn't even worrying about them. Instead, he was focused on the brown haired boy trudging his way towards a dressing room. When they reached the door, Newt almost collapsed on the floor, but his grip was tight on his lower thighs, so the door opened slightly. The boy kicked it fully open, revealing more beer cans and clothes littering the floor. He was laid on a couch, the boy looking down on him with concern.

"What's your name? I'm gonna go get a medic to look at that leg for ya, okay? I'm Thomas."


Thomas smiled at him softly as he made his way out of the room.

That means Newt was left silently to his thoughts. Thomas. Thomas Thomas Thomas.
To say the protectiveness he possessed was endearing was an understatement. Subconsciously, he knew that he had just met him, and it was unfair to himself to judge him right away, but Newt couldn't help it. Who wouldn't when a boy like that seemed to care so much?

Thomas reinterred the room, this time followed by a woman. Concern was plastered on her face as her eyes rested on Newt. She held a white briefcase with a large plus sign on it. To say it intimidated Newt would be an understatement. Was his leg really that bad?

Worry flared in him, only making his pain worse. She had knelt next to him now, a forced smile plastered on her face. Her skin was pale, complimented by her blue eyes the color of the sky. The few freckles littered on her cheeks perfectly were the same color of her hair, a dark brown. It perfectly laid past her shoulders in waves. If Newt were anywhere near straight, he could understand wanting to date her.

"Hey Newt. I'm Teresa, and I'm gonna help you out today,"
She paused to look down at his leg again and grimaced.

"From the looks of it you've got a really bad break. The bone might be shattered. I'm gonna call an ambulance, okay?"

Thomas looked directly at Newt with concern for his reaction. The blonde was in a state of shock.

Shattered? What does that mean for me? Will it heal?

Thomas lightly grabbed his hand for comfort, as if his hand was the thing shattered, not his leg. Newt squeezed it back. He was terrified.
"I'll go in the ambulance with you. Do you have anyone else here with you?"

He couldn't even get himself to nod. Of course Minho was still out there. He was probably aware of Newt's injury by now...the being carried of stage and the interruption of the whole show was enough for him to know. Who knows, maybe he was talking to security right now. But Newt was tired of being a burden, tired of stopping the fun. That's why he came to the concert anyways. Minho deserved to have fun and not worry. That's why Newt softly shook his head no.

Even after Teresa called the ambulance, Thomas didn't let go of his hand. The wait was almost too much to handle. Newt's leg was throbbing, and every time the pain flared, he squeezed the hand holding his a little more. He hadn't even processed the fact that Thomas was a famous celebrity and he was probably going to be on the trending page on Twitter. Oh, he could see it now.

Pathetic Dude Shatters Leg At Concert, Hero Bassist Saves His Life.

At least it was good publicity for the band.
The sirens now blared, which made Newt flush even more. The whole arena probably heard it.

"We can't fit the stretcher through the door! Someone's gonna have to carry him to us!"
Thomas looked at him. Despite everything, the blonde smiled slightly, raising his arms to help with the lifting as much as he could. When the strong arms wrapped around his body again and carried him, Newt knew that he loved the feeling more than anything in the world.

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