Around Town

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An aged 'Poodle' stepped out of an elevator to a VERY elaborate office. " Mister Khan sir, the ivestigators are here." " Send them in.", said

a 'Tiger' in a Blue colored suit. He watched them, with a critical eye. " Mr. Khan. I'm Kobayashi, this is Elma..," " Alllow me, to save you the

'questioning'. Yes, your 'Agent' popped in. He given off the impression of, 'idiot'. He stayed for a few moments as a ' courtesy introduction',

and left.", said Khan. " Had you seen him, since then?", asked Kobayashi. " No, I have not. But, I heard of the 'frakus' in the, Hipster

District. Condolences on the loss of your agent.", said Khan. " We'll come back, if there is 'other' questions.", said Kobayashi.

And, the NCIS duo left.

Louie's Island

* " Panzer.., " *

" What is this?", asked Kit. " ' Panzer Girl High School '. " , replied Kanna. " But, what about 'this'?", asked Kit. " Laptop.", said Kanna.

Cape Suzzette, Crime Scene

Louca, Tohru and Ilulu was looking over the Crime Scene. " Found, blood trail.", said the Blonde Dragon Maid. " So, this isn't the Primary?",

asked Louca. " Certainly, not.", said Tohru. " Hey, Chaunesty. Getting what these girls are saying ?", said one 'pig' cop to another.

" Lad, let them do their jobs. The 'method' is different, but what counts is the results.", said his partner.

" Say you two, were you on duty, when Agent Massey died?", asked Illulu. " No, we were handling a 'wife beater' case across town. ",

said the Senior Officer. Illulu nodded and left.

Police Autopsy

Yoshika popped her head into the room. " Konichiwa?", she asked. " Just a minute.", said a deep man's voice. form a corner, was a

rabbit in a lab caot, spectles on his nose, and beard and mustache. " Oh, my.", he said. " I am NCIS Medical Examiner Yoshika Miyafuji."

" Ah, your 'murdered' Agent. " He was placed in Cold Storage, after the Officers delivered him. My inital exam was he was stabbed with a

Six inch blade.", he said. " But, of course, I had to wait for you to arrive. "

Louie's Island

* " Today we continue on, with the tunnel."*

" What is that?", asked Baloo. " Colin Furze and Youtube.", said Kit, with his own laptop.

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