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Reviewed by: nebulaxxx_1401

Book: Tale of two

Author's name : thelastramble

Cover: 9/10

The cover's pretty good. It's really aesthetic and it's perfect for your book.

Title: 9/10

The title could be a little better. "Tale of two" works but it doesn't give much curiosity to the readers.

Tip: you can put up a title that is much deeper than the words.

Blurb/ Description: 10/10

I really love your description. Not gonna lie, I was quite surprised how you described each and every scene. You portrayed the feelings in a very perfect manner.

Creativity/originality: 9/10

To be honest, I didn't see much creativity in the story except when Reign dies which was the big twist. I hope you keep writing and bring on some originality. The story was not at all cliche which I liked the most.

Plot flow: 7/10

The story was going too fast in my opinion. Maybe you can slow it down a bit because there are also other characters and their side of the story is still untold.

Writing/grammar: 9/10

The writing is good but I suggest you use some extraordinary vocabulary when writing a story. There are no grammatical mistakes in the story and if you use some new words, the book would be more interesting.

Character development: 8/10

The characters are flawed in their own way and I really liked that. The eating disorder that Reign had and what he was going through, you showed some real problems which I totally support. Keep writing so that Nikolai's character can be developed too.

Genre relevance: 10/10

It suits the genre and I would love to see how the story continues. I love how the characters don't judge each other because they understand each other and try to support them in doing the right thing.

Reader's enjoyment: 9/10

The readers would love to read your book as it is much related to us. We know what a heartbreak feels like and the readers would love to read this book if you could continue the story, including Nikolai's journey.

Overall: 91/100

Overall, your book is awesome and there are just some minor mistakes that you need to focus on.

Sorry for the delay but I hope you keep on shining.

Love from your reviewer,


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