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A child playing in a junkyard. The sparks fly over the rusty cars and all he has ever known. A brother and a sister whose wooden swords crash against each other. A boy made of wires, and a father's love. A mother and a father helping their son dance on their toes. A baby who sees no one but his father who he knows will protect him.

Destiny is a cruel thing. Sensei Wu knows this as he watches these children. He waits for them to grow. Each moment hurts him, but he knows it all as it should be. They are going to be heroes. They need to be heroes.

A child lied to, a child held at a distance. A brother and a sister waiting at the door for something that will never return. A boy made of wires who can't remember who he is missing. A mother who left her son alone in a dusty room, the music died. A baby who no longer sees his father, and never knows what it is to be a child.

Sensei Wu mourns with these children, and he does his best to help raise them. Even when he makes sacrifices he knows he does it all for them. For destiny made it so.

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