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she is obsidian tangled in starlight,
there is chaos ever-present in her eyes
she is a fortress of memories
striving toward her revenge
she is a pillar of grace and compassion,
a foundation for lost souls to rest

there is an aura that follows her constantly,
an ever-present covenant with love
her laughter sparks new smiles yet
her eyes can create deathly silence
she is a hurricane of emotion, an
empress over those who seek her ruination

she was born into a world that would
soon forsake her and her paradise
she would rebuild her haven,
claw her path all the way to the top
she is a monument made of hidden sins
and a testimony against so-called saints

fate placed the world before her and whispered "what will you become?"
and she screamed back as her reality shattered "everything they never expected"

The world does not stop. It runs and spins and whirls. In a never ending cycle that continues from the beginning of a life to its end. The world breaths in and out; always growing, always changing. There is something both chaotic and peaceful in this world's immortality.

People do not stop. They run and rush and speed to no end. A person lives in an ever ending cycle. Birth, life, death. There is no repeat, no redo, and no restart. A human is a wonderfully complicated being. Some lie and cheat and steal for their own gain while others commit to the same sins in the name of others. People are selfish, greedy beings by nature. Their history repeats itself under their noses while they demand to know why they deserve such travesties. Then again, some people do see the mistakes in history. These are the people that fate treasures in a different way than the others. These are the people that are forced through catastrophes only to rise from the ashes like the phoenix of old. Yes... there is something intriguing and tragic in humanity's mortality.

The world blurs away as a sleek, black armored car speeds toward the blue, glass-like tower dominating the flaming skyline. Calloused fingers skim over another page and a sigh escapes her drying lips as she tucks the piece of paper back into a worn leather case. Her dark eyes do not focus on the world around her. Not the cars speeding by, honking at reckless drivers, and the people inside gesturing something awful at anyone passing by. Her eyes do not take in the sun rising over the horizon, not the gold-like yellows or the array of crimson and violet streaking through an ocean of blue. No, she does not see the world as it is, but her mind spins and runs and imagines the world that she is trying desperately to build.

The car pulls up to the entrance of the building and someone rushes to open the door and help the woman out of the car. A quiet "thank you" falls from her lips as she gently removes her hand from his and continues on into the skyscraper. Doors are pulled open before her and she rises up to the top in a shining elevator of untarnished silver. At the very top, she exits the elevator and enters her floor. The secretaries' desk has been abandoned as her most relied on pair of employees gather up the last things that she will need for the long day approaching.

Two wide oak doors swing toward her when she pulls them open with a satisfied grin taking its place on her lips as her eyes settle onto the city beyond the windows. The beaten leather case is dropped into the spinning chair behind the desk with her name scrawled onto the gold nameplate. CEO Rosalind Yinchen. She stands and looks out at the city, her home, and her smile grows. From where she stands she can see the hotels rising to meet the day's new light and the sun reaching her office as it does every day. Her eyes flutter shut and her smile grows as the sun bathes her in golden light.

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