8 - Finding Province Boy

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note: peepz, any suggestions for the cast? c: i've been thinking, but none of the celebs i have in mind fit. pls do suggest someone to play owen? hahaa dedic for the winner :3


8 - Finding Province Boy

Owen Richards ran away.

At first, the words make no sense to me. I repeat it softly to myself, inside the comforts of my room. "Owen ran away, Owen ran away, Owen ran away."

Only one thought strikes me. If Owen's running away, he's running away from something ... or someone.

My heart wrenches inside my chest. Is it me?

But I'm not ... I'm not that important to him. I'm just a city girl who moved back to the province. I'm just a classmate. I'm just ... City Girl. Not Amity. Definitely not Amy.

Amy, it seems, is in a different league than me.

But it can't be me, before or now. Because if it's about Amy, then Owen should have stayed. But he didn't.

After having thrown three pillows against the wall (some of my drawings fell off, so I'm going to have to pin them again later), I send a quick text to Edrin.

"do u hve any idea y he ran off?"

Three minutes later, I receive a rushed text from the food-loving idiot.

"meet u in 5"

I decide to walk towards the restaurant, guessing that it'll be Edrin's first stop. Taking one of the empty tables near the door, I slump on the hard surface.

I don't even know why Owen disappearing so suddenly has this kind of effect on me. But really, in class, when I get bored from paying attention to the teacher, I just find myself staring at his empty desk. The others don't seem bothered though. Maybe it's something to do with his former suspensions.

But it's more like ... they really don't care. Why can't I be like them then?

Maybe it's because I've seen Owen smile. Maybe it's because I've talked with him without him insulting me or cussing. Maybe it's because ...

I pause, realizing something very important. Has Owen been treating me differently from everyone else?

He cusses at Edrin. He cusses in public. He cusses in front of parents, elderly, anyone. He cusses at girls (I've heard him once, in the park, with Edrin; in his defense, she was letting her dog pee on the playground's slide).

But he never directed his cusses at me. Is that supposed to make me feel special? I think, as the door opens to reveal Edrin.

He amazingly, looks as if he knows something. Like he is somehow privy to information regarding Owen and his whereabouts.

"Hi," I greet, my eyes searching for the answer in his. He sighs and takes the seat in front of me. "Did he tell you anything?"

"Straight to the point aren't we?" he says, his tone flat. I figure he ate already since he isn't asking for Grandma and her cooking. But to be flat just isn't Edrin. He's normally a food-loving idiot, not a flat-toned serious person. "Well, no."

"Then why'd you want to meet?"

"You were the last person he talked to, right?"

My heart momentarily stops beating in my chest, then resumes its steady rhythm. "Really? Yeah, I talked to him before class but it's not like he was saying he wanted to go somewhere."

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