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When he left, she didn't know what to do

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When he left, she didn't know what to do. She was flattered that what she had just experienced happened, but she didn't know what to do, or how to feel when he left. She felt, almost empty.

She blinked a couple of times, just trying to see if it had been a dream, but it wasn't. She looked around her in search for Ginny, but couldn't see her. She decided to leave, seeing her purpose to stay was no longer a great idea.

She walked home alone. It was cold, but she didn't mind. She kept thinking about how he held her when they danced, and how his voice made her feel somehow, complete. It didn't sound like it made sense, but it did to her.

She made it to their flat. As she went inside, she had a lot if feelings flood through her. She was shocked, confused, happy, joyful and she didn't really want to believe it, but in love.

She went to her bedroom and ran a nice hot bath, filled with sweet pea and lavender salts. As she slipped in, she let the hot water consume her. She began to relax.

She couldn't help but keep pondering over what had happened. She could still smell him, he smelled like fresh herbs and something else she couldn't quite place. He smelled wonderful! 'Why hadn't I ever noticed it before in school?' She asked herself. 'It must be the effects of the drink, it has to be!' She told herself. 'I have never, ever looked at him with such admiration before, and he has never left the impression of liking me before either.'

As she was stuck in her reverie, she remembered her shocking offer. She couldn't believe she might be able to have an apprenticeship at Hogwarts, and the options were the ones she had hoped and dreamed of. She felt as if everything was falling into place.

She had so much to think about, but felt as if she had little time. She still couldn't place her feelings towards her former professor. But surely it had to be the drink that made her feel this way, or was it?

'What was in that drink?' She asked herself. Of course the taste was beautifully magnificent, but she didn't taste anything that signaled to her to have triggered those shocking actions.

As she pondered some more, she heard someone enter the flat. Hermione looked at the time and was shocked to see how late it was. 'It must be Ginny,' She thought. And as quick as that thought occured, she was proven right.

She heard a lot of laughter and stumbling around. She could hear things tipping over. As she listened closely, she could hear a male voice speaking unclearly. 'That must be Cormac McClaggen,' She thought. A door slammed and everything went silent. Hermione got out and threw on a black and silver silk gown, and brushed her hair and braided it.

She walked back and forth in her bedroom, pondering over what she should do. She didn't know if she should drop her job at the Ministry before she received an owl and visited Hogwarts, or should she wait? As eager as she was to leave the Ministry to follow her dream, there was a lot to prepare for.

She had to go shopping for new sets of robes, and pack her most precious and needed possessions, since she would be staying. 'But what about Gin?' She asked herself. That's when she heard Ginny laughing hysterically next door, ' she's got Cormac, he can occupy her,' She reassured herself.

She stopped pondering and decided to get some rest.

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