2: Finders, Adventurers

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3177: wher address tho

 Terry: idk

3177: Ima check the back

3177: ok so it says Daniel Village. That's like 3 hours away

Terry: ok, let's go

Dani: 🤯

**They go to the village**

Pepsi: ah, are yo 3177?

3177: yep

Pepsi: ok good, so, there's this creature kidnapping people in our village and we need someone to stop this, so what ya gonna do is to spy around the whole village at night time, ok?

3177,Terry and Dani: ah mk

**they take a nap**

**12 hours later**

3177: is it 1 am?

Dani: hol' up lemme **checks clock**

Dani: it is

3177: good, so now let's do the thing he told us to

Terry: ok

**They walk around the village for a bit**

3177: I think I saw somethin at the distanc

Dani: what is it

3177: a silhouette of a golem like creature


**They follow the silhouette**

3177: it's going to a mountain

3177: and now it's gone

Dani and terry: 😔

3177: Let's see the footsteps

3177: hmm, its tastes like lean


Terry: 🤯

3177: so we saw a golem like silhouette and its footprints taste like lean, so we will call it "The Lean Golem"

Dani and Terry: good name 🥶

3177: Ok it's gettin' late now we should sleep

Dani: sur 🤯

Terry: let me watch the night stars first

To be continued on chap 3

The Lean Golem (season 1)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora