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This is also a bit tricky.

Summaries are hard. A lot of good authors cannot write summaries or good enough summaries to truly represent their stories.

But hopefully you get some direction for summaries after reading this.

I have so far seen 2 common summary styles on wattpad.

Style 1:
-some relevant quote or a hook quote
-character introduction or summary about character/their story
-ending sentence about "join her adventure" or "will they be able to make it through the ups and downs of their relationship? See what's in store for them and if they get their happy ever after."

This summary works for a lot of people. Yes it may seem a bit corny but it gives readers the background they are looking for and a little bit of what questions will be explored in the story, introduction to a character or multiple characters, and what to expect for the course of the story.  I personally prefer this style because it lets me get a scope on what I will be reading and if I will enjoy it.

Now, style 2

-hook quote
"Rain was pouring down on me. I screamed, choking on my own blood. I had just killed my mate."


-hook quote and one or two sentences about the book

"Well duck"

Alyssa, the starting football kicker is roomates with Ben Buckley. What a year it will be for them.

Now, I do see some stories with this style. This style is a bit more harder to master. You really have to either prewrite a large amount of your story or work in the quote you introduced.

This may become a problem later on if you try too hard to work in the quote that was the hook for your summary.

I tend to prefer the first style but I have seen really amazing works with the 2nd style as well and have made me think, "ooh lets read all 70 chapters till 4 am."

So people, it is up to you which style you prefer and are more comfortable with. For beginners, I would suggest starting with style 1 and those with a good base of followers/readers or looking to challenge themselves may want to try style 2.

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