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"you want to pierce your ears?"


Kanae stared at Kuzuha with a blank look, being an angel he is.

"like these on my ears?" Kuzuha then put his hair behind his ear to showcase his piercings. Kanae stared at it for a while, it seems nice but it looks painful.

"it wouldn't hurt?"

"nooo?" Kuzuha peered at Kanae.

And off they went to pierce Kanae's ear. Kanae couldn't decide which he wanted. Kuzuha whispered that all would look good on him. Kanae flushed at his words, embarrassingly staring at the floor.
The whole time scared Kanae was clutching Kuzuha's hand. However the piercing was over in a while, Kuzuha pouted not having the warmth of Kanae's hand when Kanae went to pay.
"kuu-chan is it really that nice?"

" don't call me that and yeah good choice."

"fo' sho'?"(does anyone get the ref?)

" yes and let's go already i want to go home and stare at it. Not like I like it tho."

"....( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)....."

_(:3 」∠)_
a/n note:
wat is this ahhhhh i can't believe i wrote tsun kuzuha c u next time ∩^ω^∩

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