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Geralt had to go kill a so called "devil" that steals food from the town,he asked Cassandra to come along so he'll get more information about her and her childhood,hoping her to actually be Tiger of the North's daughter aka Kael Haynes. Jaskier also tagged along,yet he was walking on the ground as the other two were on their horses "You know your adventures would make better stories and you sir smell just full of them!what is that is that onion it doesn't matter.whatever it is you smell like death and destiny, heroic and heartbreak"Jaskier talked to Geralt as he ignored him and continued walking "It's onion."the grumpy white haired man said still looking at the road ahead of him. "Oh yeah..OH!I could be your bard!Spreading your tales as Geralt of Rivia!..The..The..Butcher of Balakliven!" He said both stopping when he mentioned the butcher of blakliven "come here." Geralt mentioned to Jaskier as he nodded and took a step forward,the Witcher left out an angry hum and punched him straight in the stomach making him stumble to the ground "let's go roach.."he said and continued walking leaving the poor bard in the sand. "Can you still walk?"Cassandra asked looking down at the weak man layed on the ground "I have no idea.." she sighed and reached a hand for him to grab "come on get on my horse." He climbed up on her horse and she easily caught up with Geralt.

They were still walking,or better said riding on the sand road when they saw a field far in front of them,Jaskier was now still walking on the ground cause Cassandra took him down off her horse for some reasons. He started signing one of his stupid songs that clearly did not please the angry Witcher.

"When a humble bard,
glaced a ride along..
With Geralt of Rivia along came this song.~"

Both the Witcher and woman looked back at the bard over their shoulders but ignored him.

"From when the White Wolf fought,
a silver tounged devil,
his army of elves at his hooves did theyy, Revel..~"

"They came after me!
With masterful deceiv,broke down my lute,
and they kicked in my teeth!
And as the devil's horns,
Minced our tender meat..
And so cried the Witcher,he can't be bleatt~"

Geralt was starting to get irrattated when Jaskier continued.

"Toss a coin to your Witcher!
O' Valley of Plenty
O' Valley of Plenty
Oooh!-" he was interrupted by a slap across the back of his head,an signal from Cassandra to cut it out. "hey I wasn't even done!" He pouted and placed his lute back on his back trying to catch up with the two. Cassandra sighed at her friend's stupidity and Geralt smiled from the corner of his mouth once again.

"There we are.."Geralt jumped off his horse and took a look around the tall grass field. "Are you sure there is a devil or just a mega sized goat?" Geralt ignored his stupid comment and continued his way into the field. "A mega sized goat?Really Jaskier?"Cassandra said getting off her horse and taking her dagger out in any case.

"There could exist!" Cassandra placed a hand around his mouth to shut him up after hearing a rustle in the grass. "Oh it really is a devil.." Jaskier said as he saw the creature's horns and face. Geralt attacked it but it launched back,he kept of attacking the creature until he was on top of it "You're a Witcher!" The creature yelled as it tried to remove itself from the man's grip "And you're just a dick with balls!" Geralt spit in the creature's face and said in a angry tone "What's wrong with you? Your mother fucked a goat?!" The creature looked offended as it plucked a huge hair strand from Geralts hair making him hiss at the pain "What's wrong with YOU?! Your mother fucked a snowman?!" Before geralt could punch the devil something hit the back of his head,making his vision dark and fell to the ground,the only thing he saw before his eyes closed was Jaskier and Cassandra on the ground.

When he opened his eyes he couldn't move his legs or his arms,he struggled to get out of the ropes tight on him but it didn't work. "Is this the part where we escape?"Jaskier whispering in his head,him being tied up back to back with him and Cassandra next to them also tied up "This is the part WHERE THEY KILL US!"he said in a angry tone as Cassandra also opened her eyes, instantly trying to get out, "No use, they're too tight."Jaskier said as the girl stopped trying and leaned her head back in dissapoiment "Fuck..being captured and tied up in a cave with two men wasn't on my to do list." "Who's they?" Jaskier asked Geralt as an orange haired woman hit Geralt's head with her leg.

"Elves."Geralt muttered as he got another leg to the face," hey hey don't touch that!" Jaskier panicked as one of the elves broke his lute.The woman elf and jaskier speaked in the old language, "yeah I really got a part of that."jaskier said "humans shut up!"the elf woman said spitting out her words.

The woman kept on hitting Geralt when she also hit Jaskier in the stomach. "oh leave him! he's just a bard!"Geralt said as the woman hit him across the face with Jaskier's now broken lute,Geralt had an crazy smile on his face as he glared at the woman.

The elf woman looked at Cassandra and hit her in the head "For fucks sake!"she swore out as she was looking at the elf as she hit her again along with Geralt. "You hide in your golden palaces..You beat up two poor souls without being brave enough to EVEN LOOK THEM IN THE EYE!"jaskier yelled out at the woman who was smirking "you like my palace?" She bend down on her knees in front of Cassandra and grabbed her kick forcing her to look into her eyes "cause I remember humans like you who ruined them..-" before she could finish her sentence Cassandra hit her head into her's making her stumble to the ground with her hands on her nose,Jaskier laughed as he saw her struggling "yeah take that pointy!" He said looking at the stone wall in front of him. "Wait what's wrong with her?"Jaskier asked as the elf woman kept on coughing. "She's sick" a blonde tall elf said as he entered the cave "who's this?"jaskier whispered "Filavander,king of the elves"Cassandra said looking at the elf.

"Not a king,it wasn't my choice.." Filavander said as he kneel down to the elf woman to help her,by his side was the devil we had to get rid of "You were stealing for them.." Geralt said looking at the goat-devil creature. "I felt for them!they were forced out of their home land!" "Forced?no they chosen to-" jaskier said but was interrupted by the blonde elf "You know anyone that would chose to leave their home?To have a devil steal for them?no one was supposed to get hurt!"he said as he helped the elf woman that was still on the ground.

"Why keep three humans on the ground when countless elves have died!"the elf woman said "Two humans." Geralt said in an angry tone "Actually one." Cassandra whispered to Geralt and he raised an eyebrow but knocked it off. "I'm not you can let them go.." Cassandra looked into Geralts direction and elf king said looking down at the Witcher "so Posada had found out we've been stealing huh?The humans will attack!Many would die..On both sides.." .

"The less are evil."Geralt said continuing as he raised his head to look at the blonde elf "No matter what you choose.. it'll come out bloody.And hating yourself..Trust me." "Well that's the problem..I can't.This is necessary."the king of elves said smiling.

"I long as you understand that it'll be longer to follow me in death." Geralt said "yes..because they kicked us away from valuable soil..even the Chaos is humans can make magic.." "chaos is the same as it always been,humans just adapted better."

The elf king walked around the three of them as Geralt kept looking at his movements. "A Witcher..A bard..and who are you?A witch?"he said looking down at Cassandra who was giving him a death stare. "I'm not a witch..but I could cut your head off your shoulders if I wanted to."he stared at her with a disgusted expression on his face "then do it I'll like to see you try." "oh don't challenge her.She did it once to a man."jaskier said looking at the elf king from the corner of his eye.

The blonde elf just laughed and looked turned around,Cassandra struggled to grab her dagger from her left pocket that they forgot to remove and managed to cut the ropes.Geralt instantly stood up and grabbed his swords from the stone wall while Jaskier looked in awe at his broken lute. "I'll buy you a new one." His face lighten up and Cassandra also grabbed her weapons.

"You're quite smart,what are you?"the elf said taking a step forward towards the black haired woman. She smirked and looked into the man's eyes "I like to call myself The dark Sorceress." Before the man could say a word he was knockout by Geralt. "Alright now let's go." While the girl and the elf talked Geralt knocked out the devil and the elf woman as well.

They left the cave and got onto their horses leaving the cave behind.

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