On a walk called love (Gio x Joel)

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Third person perspective

The clock just turned 3:25, which marked the end of the school day.

Joel rushes down the staircase of the school, not wanting to miss his group of friends that awaits outside the school corridor.As he finally reaches outside, he sees his group waiting in the front, laughing and screaming. His eyes are only on one of the screaming individuals.


Just hearing his name gave Joel a sense of hope and reassurance. Gio was just barely shorter than Joel but that didn't stop him from constantly making fun of his height. As Joel walks to the group of friends Gio immediately runs over to him, hugging him as if he hasn't seen him in forever, even though they both know that they saw each other an hour ago.

"Joel, what's up my man!" Gio exclaims Like they wasn't 2 feet away from each other, but Joel doesn't mind, he never minded the way the boy in front of him acted. He adored how expressive and open minded Gio is, that's one of the many reasons Joel loved him.

"Nothing much, just happy to be out of that hellhole we call school. Glad to see you too." Joel replies, his small smile growing as each second passes. He hears a cough from behind him and sees his other friends, staring at him with a knowing look. One of them, Citali, starts to speak.

"Now that we are all hear, let's get home. I don't even want to look at this school until the weekends over." Everyone else agrees and starts walking, Gio and Joel walking closer together than anyone else. As they walk across the street, Joel holds onto Gio's arm on instinct. Gio looks down at the hand grabbing his arm and a small smile tugs at his lips.

When they get to the second block, their other two friends, Citali and Yadira are giggling about something, at randomly stops walking.

"Hey me and Yadi are gonna go hit the park before going home, isn't that right Yadira?" Citali asked while holding back laughter. Yadira first has a look of confusion on her face, that quickly turns into a face full of a big smile.

"YEAH, yeah we gonna go to the one a few blocks away. You and Gio can continue walking and being in lo- I mean talking." Yadira replies with a slightly slick comment. Gio has a look of confusion as Joel looks at the two girls with a mixture of disbelief and "please don't do this to me" on his face.

Before he can say anything, the two girls have already sprinted down the street laughing in the distance. "Hm, weirdos." Gio speaks under his breathe. Joel snorts and continues walking, with Gio right next to him.

"We should hit up Starbucks." The shorter says out of nowhere. Joel chokes on a breathe as he never have once heard those words leave the others mouth before. "What? Since when were you ever interested in Starbucks?" Joel asks, his mind not being able to comprehend his crush and Starbucks mixing together.

"Since I heard that they sell cake pops. Come on it will be nice. And if it ain't I'll buy you a snack on Monday." Gio replies, a toothy grin showing on his face. Joel can't say no to his face, no matter how much he doesn't want to go or his hatred for Starbucks, he never had the luxury of being able to say no to Gio's face.

"...Alright, fine. We can go, but only if you're paying."
"Don't have to tell me twice." Gio says as he pulls out a 20 dollar bill from his back pocket. They continue to walk to Starbucks as Gio continues on talking about whatever, but Joel doesn't care. All Joel cared about was the boy being next to him, because that's all he needed right now

That's all he ever needed.

659 words <3

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