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I was scanning my movie collection for something to rewatch when my phone rang. I fiddled with it for a moment,still not used to it,but I know who it is since Mrs. Song is the only one in my contact and the only one who knows my contact number.


"Hi Venus,just calling to ask if you can lend me a hand today."Mrs. Song said.

"What happened to your workers?"I asked as I played with the hem of my mini dress. Dresses has it's uses inside the house.

"I sent the others on a day-off and the others are busy.Come on,we're just gonna unwrap boxes."

"Fine,I'll be there in 5."I said and hanged up.

I used my superspeed to change into a jean and a shirt then a jacket with a hood. I put on my sneakers and grabbed my sunglasses before darting out the door and into the opening of the forest. When I almost reached the road, I stopped and pulled up my hood before heading to the warehouse behind the mall. Mrs. Song was taking out clothes from a box when I found her. I approached her and she looked up and smiled.

"We have to unwrap this packages and we'll display them tomorrow." She said. I removed my sunglasses as I sensed that the humans nearby are in the other room,chatting.

"How's college?"I heard a girl ask from my heightened sense of hearing as I used my speed to help Mrs. Song. I can't help but eavesdrop.

"It's fine. Did you know that there's a legend around our campus that werewolves attend school in there? That's how we got our logo." Another girl said.

"It's just a legend. Maryanne Falls University got it's wolf logo because there are wolves spotted near the University and I think your Dean is fond of them as well." The other girl from before said. I turned to Mrs. Song.

"Where's Maryanne Falls University?"I asked and she looked up.

"A 5 minutes drives away.Why? You want to go to college?" She asked in a teasing manner.

"Maybe. I'm more curious of werewolves. Never met one except for papa." I carried the last box.

"Knowing that you exist,I do believe that that university has some,explaining the big wolves seen sometimes." She said as she continued her work. I did not speak, thinking as I quietly unwrap the last box with a normal speed. I debated with myself for a while.

"I think I'll go."I finally said.

"You will?" She asked in surprise.

"Yes but I don't know how to get in."I said as that dawned to me.

"Don't worry,I have contact with the dean of that university but are you sure you're gonna be okay?" She asked,this time,concerned.

"I'm not really sure but I want to try." I'm not really used to lying so I always tell the truth.

"Allright then. I'm just happy for you,Venus. It's a big step. A very big one." She said and she's right. We finished the work and I went home immediately.

Mrs. Song called me later that night saying that she spoke to the dean and told her that I was home schooled and an orphan. The dean agreed to let me attend on the condition that I take an exam tomorrow,Friday.

I don't know what has gotten into me about attending the university. One thing I know was that I was just curious of the werewolves and then the other minute my curiousity led me to the university. I don't know but it feels like something is pulling me like a magnet there.

The only thing,I'm worried about now is getting noticed. I'll be spending 4-6 years in the university as my research said in the book. I can't wear hoods all the time and I don't think the university will allow it either. Should I shave my head?The thought's a genius one but I know it won't work. Stupid vampire look!

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