Episode 1

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"Who are you, what's your name?" Mobius said.

Loki is so confused, how can his best friend not recognize him? Then he looks up at where the "Time Keepers" statues are and sees something he didn't want to see.

He saw He Who Remains.

'I have to go find Sylvie, and the real Mobius.' Loki thought.

*Quick recap of season 1 plays*

*Normal mcu opening music plays with all of the moments and things*

Sylvie was still crying in the Citadel, she didn't know how long she was sitting there for but it was a long time.

'I need to get out of here.' Sylvie thought 'I should have believed him, I shouldn't have pushed him away.'

So she took the TemPad Bracelet thing and opened a Time Door to the TVA Time Cell where she sent Loki and stepped through.

*Change over to Loki and his situation*

Loki opened a Time Door with a TemPad that he found, and somehow found a file of the Citadel that the TemPad could lock onto.

Shocked and a bit happier, he stepped into the room where she kissed him, and also where the lifeless man sat, and an open Time Door with Sylvie walking through it.

"WAIT!" Loki called out. But It was too late, the door was shut before he could chase her through it.

He felt just like before, upset and alone. Loki turned around to Kang and saw Sylvie's dagger in the center of his chest.

'Did she forget it here?' Loki thought. 'She would never forget it, because Lokis never forget.'  Especially someone or something they love.

A/N: Heyo everyone reading this lovely little idea that I had, I just thought of doing little snippets instead of full episodes because I don't have the thought process to do that. Chapters will probably be very short and only going up to a word count of maybe 500 words but we'll get there. Thank you for reading. 💚


Word Count: 328

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2022 ⏰

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