The Horrors Of Discord

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The discord mod sits down and open discord "I can't wait to see my kitten!" He says after working a long 2 hours at McDonald's. He messages his kitten, "Hello my cute little kitten." she responds cutley "Hi daddy." The discord mod instantly gets turned on. "Let's talk baby." He messages her. She responds "yes master" The Discord mod joins and then the kitten, they talk for hours until.. "I gotta get off master.." The Discord mod responds angrily "Fine. Leave" the kitten responds "Im sorry daddy.." and then leaves. The Discord mod feels bad and gifts her nitro for the 10th time that week. He then checks his server, He sees a troller. He's angry! "Stop this now!" He messages. "Your breaking rule 13, no spamming!" The mysterious user messages back. "OK" then he leaves.. "What?" The Discord mod says. "Trollers don't leave that easilly" he then gets rapid messages from his kitten. He checks the messages. "HELP OH GOD" is spammed, and the kitten calls him. He answers and hears a grown man screaming. "Who's this?" The Discord mod says. "YOUR KITTEN!" The kitten responds. "I KNOW IVE BAITED YOU FOR SO LONG, BUT SOMEONE IS POUNDING ON MY DOOR. CALL THE POLICE MY ADDRESS IS-" Then the Discord mod hears screaming and blood splats.  He hangs up. He's terrified. Terr-i-fied. He then hears the same pounding on the basement door. He's scared. "MOM?" he yells. Then his mom's head rolls down the basement stairs. The Discord mod grabs his katana and speaks in Japanese, he knows this from the anime he watches. Then he sees rick walk down the stairs with the Discord mod's dad's head in his hand. The Discord mod strikes but the katana breaks on impact. Rick throws the Discord mod's dad's head at the Discord mod, knocking him down. The Discord mod clutches his neck beard and lays on the floor. Then everything goes black. He stands up and sees 3 people looking at him. "WHO ARE YOU GUYS, WHERES MY PC?" he screams. The night guard responds, "You better get used to us, we're gonna be the only ones you see for awhile."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2022 ⏰

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The Astley Loop, Book 4: The Discord ModWhere stories live. Discover now