Chapter 1- The Devil

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It's currently 11:30pm on a Friday night and I'm at a strip club. Actually I'm not just at a strip club, I am a stripper. For tonight at least.

I mean I wouldn't mind being a stripper, they do make bank, but I mean so do I. Being in the Mafia doesn't exactly make you short of money. Whoever said "money cant buy happiness" is very very wrong.

Tonight my name is Jasmine and I'm currently about to go on stage to preform. My mission tonight is to get the attention of a man. Jonathan Sayward.

I have to get him to want a private dance with me. If I succeed then I bring him to the back room and kill him. Easy and simple.

As the previous girl gets done her performance and walks down the stairs, I wait for my fake name to be called to enter the stage.

"Next up is little Jasmine" the announcer says with a purr at the end.

Ew. I hate men, but that just made me hate men even more.

I walk up that stage knowing I look good as fuck. period queen.

I immediately spot Jonathan in the front row with another girl on him. As soon as he see's me though, he's pushing her off of him.

I've got his full attention and all I did was walk onto the stage.

Ha. Men are so easy.

I start swinging around the poll and do my dance. Ive got men putting $100 dollar bills in my lingerie and throwing money all up on to the stage.

If this isn't an ego or confidence boost then I don't know what is.

The song slowly comes to an end and I walk off the stage into the crowd. Several men asking for a private dance.

"Come here sexy doll, Ill give you a hundred if you give me a few jobs if you know what i mean" one of these perverts say.

Im going to barf. This. This is why I hate men. Fuck an-aye.

Im trying so hard not to kick him in the nuts right now. I would glare at him, but yet again that would ruin my my mission.

So i'm stuck acting like this is okay, and that I don't want to kill him. Woo.

A hand slowly wraps around my waist and pulls me away from the random.

"Sorry boys, Ive got her for an hour." A dark raspy voice says

I look up and see Jonathan smirking at me. He takes my hand and starts pulling me into the back room.

It's a shame he's a dick and kills people important to my family , he's quite attractive. Blonde hair, a honey color for eyes, strong jaw line, and freckles.

If I didn't know who he was I would think he's a business man. But nooo,  He's an undercover from the Mexican mafia, who killed my Father's best friend

"Thank you for saving me back there, some of the guys in here can be a little rough" I say in a seductive voice

He sits down on the red velvet couch and grabs my waist, pulling me onto him. He flashes a smile and whispers a "no problem" before attaching his mouth to my neck.

I roll my eye's internally, knowing I'm gonna have to make it seem like i'm enjoying this.

"Oh yes." I say seductively. Right after I "moan" that I feel him harding underneath me.

Oh my, it feels so small. 

I have to hold in a laugh because of how small he feels. I quickly start reacting to all of this and get a move on so I can go home and wash his filthy mouth off me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2022 ⏰

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