▫▪training and studying▪▫

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Third person's Pov❇

Its been two months since they two boys have been training, and now the boys are working on studying. As the two boys was working on different subjects the purple haired Shinso asked "Hey do you have any ideas for your hero suit?" The cat looking boy turned around and shook his head no and turned back to his work "same" Shinso said

While later~

"Done with my work, how about you?" the (h/c) haired boy said to the the purple haired boy "am done with mine to" Shinso said. "Boys time for dinner!" Shinso's mother shouted and they went downstairs to eat dinner. When the two boys got ready for the night, one of the boys was ready already and staring into space.

Hi guys uh- I should pause this book because I don't have a plot but when I create a plot I will continue this book.👍

I will be writing an other story.

Ill see ya guys later have a nice day🍜!

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