" Mint Scented Symphony " -Smut

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This chapter includes Dark Choco Cookie x Mint Choco Cookie. If you are not fond of this ship, please consider requesting your own chapter or reading one from the previous selections!

Quick announcement: DO NOT! Do not request chapter's in any other chapter apart from " Requests! " requests that are submitted outside of the Request Chapter will not be written out, and I will likely not do those requests. PLEASE only submit your request in the Requests Chapter. It helps keep order and helps me have a set queue for which chapter I have to do. Please understand and thank you!

Other than that, please enjoy this chapter! And I apologize for the delay!
      The stage was set wonderfully in velvety emerald. The lights fixated on a mint and white haired musician, doing his violin solo. Oh how beautiful he played, his notes were enticing and sweet, the notes perfect and clean as the natural waters of the kingdom. His hand positions and movements were slick and professional, his minted eyes twinkling in the spotlight as listeners in the crowd peered in to witness this cookie's skills. Mint Choco Cookie, possibly one of the greatest violinists in the entire realm. Many far and wide came for his showings, even the most unlikely of souls came to bestow upon his music.

       Such said, a dark individual, hidden in a dark corner alone, stared off into the eyes of the musician. He was lost in those cozy glazed eyes, and his small smile, confident and spectacular. Oh, he was lovely. His beautiful lips, face structure, his bo- " Prince Dark Choco Cookie? Sir? More sweet tea with lemon? " Asked a fine gentleman, his leafy head bouncing. Choco nodded, as he took his cup and walked away. He watched as the small male was hit on by Sparkling, them both laughing. He soon turned back to the stage, to see Mint finish the piece off, and the entire room clapped. Even he did, as well. 

Herb walked back with his drink. " Hey.. " Dark Choco asked, the green male smiled and tilted his head. " Do you know how I can meet the musician that was just on stage? " Herb chuckled, and nodded. Dark Choco's eyes lit up.
Dark Choco walked down the hall, stage monitors and more musicians flooded the walkways, everyone calling names and getting people ready in different rooms. He looked around for his minted prince, hoping that he was still here. And there he was. Mint was chatting and walking with Clover, another musician. But Choco was lost in the crowd of people. How would he get to him?? Herb rushed by, and grabbed Dark Choco, pushing through the sea of people. He sighed, and fixed his plant hair, turning to Dark Choco. " You're welcome! " Before he chirped over to Parfait, giving her a water that she had requested. 

       Dark Choco sighed, relieved to be out of that mosh pit of directors. He looked around to see if Mint was still around, but he wasn't. Nowhere to be seen. But he didn't give up yet. Choco walked around, looking at the doors with star labels on them. Parfait.. Clover.. DJ cookie.. Carol.. None of these said Mint. At this point, he was frustrated at the fact he couldn't find his beloved violin angel. Choco sighed, and turned around to leave, before he heard someone yell. " Oh-! Hey! Are you looking for me? " Choco turned around to see Mint, his hair in a small ponytail. " Uh..- yeah.. " Dark Choco said, staring into his eyes. " It's seriously crowded here haha. We can talk in my rest room! " Mint held out a hand for Choco, and dragged him to his resting room.

        The room was quite large, multiple stringed instruments were hung along the walls. Mint walked over to a seat in-front of a mirror, combing his hair as Choco awkwardly sat down in a bean bag chair. " So? What can I do ya for? " Mint smiled, twirling the ends of his hair. " Well, I just wanted to meet you in general.. " Choco said. " Oh ho ho- the Black Citadel's prince? A fan of mine? Well must be my lucky day! " Mint laughed, turning to Choco who was lightly blushing, sunken into his seat. " I'm messing with you! Just glad you enjoy my music! " Mint turned back to the mirror, working out a knot in his hair. " You have thousands of fans.. why out of all people did you let me in to personally talk with you? " Dark Choco had a point. Letting a random fan walk in and allow to talk up with was a little... strange. Mint just brushed his hair. " Well, I've seen you at majority of my concerts. So I've kind of wanted to talk to you myself too haha. Everyone always looks the same, classy and bright colored.. but you? You just always stuck out to me.. in that dark corner, with those crimson eyes.. " 

         Choco had picked up Mint, placing him on a table. " You have no idea.. how beautiful I think you truly are, Mint. " Mint's eyes were wide, as he saw Choco's face turn lustful. Choco grabbed Mint and kissed him passionately, as he unbuttoned their shirts and their pants vanished. Choco's dick was.. whoa. Mint gulped, as he gave a quick little kiss to Choco. " So, is this why you wanted me backstage? A quick fuck? " Choco asked, Mint had spread their legs open for him. His dick was dripping pre-cum already, aroused by the quick make-out sesh. Choco laughed, as his dick was positioned at Mint's entrance. Choco slowly slid it in, as Mint grunted from the size. He held Choco's hair as he slipped it in deeper. Choco kissed his neck, his cheek, and his hands roamed his body. Choco looked at him. " You were a virgin, weren't you? " Mint looked away embarrassed. He had all the finest cookies in the worst after him, and yet, never had sex before. " Wait. " Mint said firmly, Choco looked at Mint, and in the blink of an eye, Mint was now on top, smiling seductively. Choco's eyes widened, as Mint was on-top of his dick, the tip merely centimeters away from being inside of him. " Beg for it. " He said. " W-what? " Choco said, a little shocked from the request. " I said, beg for it. " Mint narrowed his eyes, teasing him by lightly putting the tip inside and back out. Choco shivered and bit his lip, watching the male on top of him cross his arms, waiting for him to beg for sex. " .. please.. stop teasing me and let me fuck you.. " He meekly whispered. " Huh? I didn't hear you. " Mint said, as Choco groaned. " PLEASE~! Stop teasing me and let me FUCK YOU~! " Choco raised his voice, his eyes were fixated on his cock, and his entrance. " Good boy~ " Mint slammed down, and his back arched as he shrieked of pain. Choco covered Mint's mouth, to prevent more sound. " G-A~mmmh~! Mnnh..~ " Choco uncovered his mouth, and watched him pant. " No longer a virgen now are we? OH SH- " Mint grabbed Choco's collar, and brung him near. " You're not in charge here. I am. You beg to moan, cum, and to go faster. If you don't, then we won't continue. Is that clear~? " Mint glared down at Choco. " Begging kink much? MNH- " Mint began to move up and down on Choco's dick, small groans coming from his mouth. 

     " D-on~t you dARE~! " Mint's moans were cracked, holding onto Choco's shoulders for support as he thrusted quickly into him, sounds of skin slapping and the sweet scent of Chocolate mint filled the room. Dark Choco's eyebrows were scrunched up, nearing his climax, and so was Mint. " C-can I please c-cum~? " He begged, Mint barely being able to form a sentence. " mN~! Be_AH~! g.. g. G~! For i~it! " Choco threw his head back. God he was missing this, this simple fucking session in his life. He looked at Mint, and bam. Wow. Mint had made a cute high pitched moan, his back arched, eyes rolled up and tongue lolled out. His back and legs quaked from pleasure, as cum spewed out of his dick, onto their chests. " Mhn~ o-oh~ god..~... " He groaned, breathing heavy before getting Choco's dick out of him. " Please..~ Ca-n you.. c-can I.. c-cum~? " Choco breathed heavily, Mint smiled at the sight and bent over and sucked on his dick. Popping it out of his mouth. " Cum for me daddy..~ I want it in my mouth.. do it..~ I allow you to- A-AHM~! " Choco grabbed Mint's head, and fucked his mouth. In about 4 thrusts, he slid his dick in deep into his throat, and came. His final moan was deep, as his body limped. 

         They cleaned up, and Mint gave Choco his phone number. " Call me. We should.. have a lunch date. " Choco's eyes shined, restating him. " A lunch date? With me? Really? " Mint nodded to his response, as Clover knocked on the door. " Hey lovebirds! Sorry to disrupt, but Mint's on again in 5! They want an encore! "
Choco looked at Mint, a bit sad he had to go. " Listen. I'll make this song out to you, alright? " Mint smiled reassuringly, pecking him on the lips before he grabbed his violin, and fixed his hair a bit.

       Dark Choco and Mint walked back to the stage, and they separated. Choco sat in the corner, as Mint made full eye contact with him during his encore.

What an amazing man.
Aaand that's that! :^) Tomorrow MIGHT be the last daily chapter submission for a bit. After that, they may be staggered again. It depends! But I promise I'll work on the chapters! Thank you for waiting for this chapter! And the HUGE amount of support that has come from this book. I didn't expect this many people to read my chapters, but I promise you, I am eternally grateful for you guys. Thank you SO SO much! I love you guys! And take care!
Full of love to my Ducklings,,,

1690 Words

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