High School

6 0 0

- January 14th 2022 -

- 7:59

As I got into the car,I took of my bag and put it beside me.

I opened my bag and got a green mask with dandelions on it a held it in my hand.

I sat in the car holding the mask until I heard a voice shout "Emma! Your at the school now!"

I got out the car and put on my mask, under my green shirt I had my school shirt.

I walked near the entrance of the school and saw my friends, We've been friends for awhile but our friendship has been different..

My friend Samantha called me over to the group. There was only three of them, but four including me.

There's Samantha, Ollie, Holly and me, Emma.

- 8:05 am -

I came over but then it was the start of math.

- 5:43 pm -

After high school I went home to my house and on the way I saw a dandelion...

It reminded me of my friends. Maybe our friendship was falling apart.. Like how dandelions fall apart.

I normally walk home because I don't live that far away.

On the way home I normally just put my headphones on and listen to music

I guess I'll take my time today.

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