Chapter 3 - Encounters

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"Ohh go get it, Daniel! A kiss on the first date!", my best friend Emma cheered into the microphone, making me laugh at her sillyness.
"Truth be told it wasn't a date, I had just met him that day! Please, dear listeners, I am not that kind of girl okay?", I pleaded for people not to label me as an easy girl, which I am extremely proud to not call myself one. "Besides, you know perfectly it wasn't that perfect of a moment, if we consider what happened next."
"Well, I know what happened but our listeners don't so please go on with your story, Mads", she encouraged me to continue my not so perfect fairytale.

I spent the whole entire day of monday shooting some test shots for my new role in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and therefor I had left my phone the entire day in the dressing room. Exhausted I entered the dressing room and plopped myself in the sofa after fishing my phone out of my bag. After unlocking it, I decided to take a quick selfie before tackling my message notifications which had pilled up during the day.

" Exhausted"

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" Exhausted"

Afterwards, I started scrolling through my notifications until one particular WhatsApp text caught my eye. It was from Daniel Ricciardo, which to be honest I wasn't expecting. I mean yes we did kiss like two days ago but it's Daniel fucking Ricciardo, he must kiss lots of girls for freaking sure. I proceeded to read the message.

"Hey Maddie, hope you are doing fine. I wanted to talk to you about Saturday. I think it's best for both of us if we keep it between us. Besides the obvious age gap between us, both of us are in difficult situtations relationship wise. Hope we can be friends though.
xx Daniel"

My jaw hang open after reading this message. What the fuck does he mean with we are in difficult situations relationship wise, I'm freaking single, so this can only mean he has a girlfriend. Fucking asshole. I immediatly forwarded the message to Emma, my best friend in the entire world, which she immediatly replied with a whole set of curse words, which Daniel all bad things in this world. Well can't say I don't agree with her. Trying to keep my cool, I decided to answer Daniel with a simple "Hello, good thanks. Yes I agree. xx Madison"

After this day I decided not to pay anymore attention to the F1 driver and kept our conversations to the minimal. He would try to make conversation, but I couldn't answer with more than five word sentences. During these occasional conversations I learnt he had a girlfriend since freaking high school. After he confirmed this information, I simply stopped answering him and our conversations died down. The only interaction between the two of us was based on mutual like exchanges on Instagram.

"Madison, I can't believe you have gotten us into a fucking Kristen Bell party. Her parties are freaking legendary, a lot of celebreties attend them!", my best friend Emma squealed while trying to apply eyeliner in front of the mirror.
"Emma, I swear sometimes you seem to forget I am an actress", I roll my eyes at her while look at her from the corner of my eye.
"Say hellooo bitches!", Sierra was holding her vloging camera filming us getting ready. "And Madison we don't forget, even if we wanted to forget you enjoy reminding us of it!", she stuck her tongue out while laughing at us.
"Pfff as if. But hey if you don't like me, I could always go find other friends who would loveee to attend this party with me.", I teased them, trying to get a reaction out of them. Emma immediatly dropped the brush she was holding and hugged me.
"Nooooo you could never trade ussss, we love you Madisonnnn!", she pleaded while looking at me with sad puppy eyes.
"Hmmm sure, let's pretend I believe you. But more important issues we are fucking late and I have a car waiting for us."
"Ohhh this party is going to be incredibleeee. And I bet there will be some really hot guys there!", Sierra exclaimed, I swear this girl was constantly looking for some dick.
"Can you ever not think about guys? I swear your world revolves around them!", I rolled my eyes at her attitude.
"Pff what is wrong in enjoying some good sex. You are only that way because you haven't exactly been lucky in that department the last few months"
"Ouch", were the only words which were able to escape my mouth as I looked down at the floor.
"Oh come on Madison. You know Sierra is right. Ever since Jack and the whole Daniel situation you haven't put yourself out there. I mean after Jack I get it you wanted some time for yourself but after Daniel you two shared a kiss that's it.", one thing I loved about this girls was they always told you the truth straightforward without sugarcoating it.
"Look you don't get it okay? But if I put myself out there tonight, you promise to leave me alone?", I exhaled deeply hoping to bring this conversation to an end.
"HELLL YES!", the exclaimed while Sierra handed us one shot each. We swiftly clinked our glasses and downed the Tequila shots. "To a night of hot guys and good sex!".

We finished getting ready and before leaving we decided to take a picture to upload to Instagram.

"To a night we won't forget"

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"To a night we won't forget"

We arrived at Kirsten Bell's huge mansion in Beverly Hills in about thirty minutes. The lights and the loud music were extremely alluring and the three of us rushed out of the car and into the house. As the three of us entered the huge mansion, a few heads turned our way and I could feel the burning stare of some of the guys piercing through my body. I lead the group through the house and into the backyard, where a huge swarm of heads displayed in front of us.

" WHAT. THE. FUCK", was the only thing our tiny minds were able to process while we took in the scenario in front of us.
"This is going to be fucking epic!", Sierra squieled into our ears and grabbed our hands leading us to middle of the crowd. A waiter passed through us with champagne flutes in a tray and we immediatly served ourselves. We clinked our glasses and yelled "To a great night!" and downed our glasses. Suddenly, we heard a cough behind us and we immediatly turned on our heals, only to be facing Kirsten herself.

"I'm pretty certain you girls shouldn't be drinking.", she looked at us dead serious in the eyes and I swear I never felt more ashamed in my entire life. My cheeks were burning red and I was completely in shock.
"Hmm Kirsten... hmm hi... I... I... am so sor-", I tried to speak but the words were barely coming out of my mouth. However my pathetic excuse of a speech was interrupted by Kirsten's outburst. She suddenly began laughing as if I just said the funniest thing in this entire universe.
"Oh my God, Maddie. I was just joking, I was once your age don't worry!", she winked at me and proceeded to hug me. "I'm so glad you came and I'm really happy I was able to ran into you in the middle of all these people. Specially because I want you to meet someone.", she exclaimed happily.
"Me? Meet someone? Who are you talking about?", I was extremely confused at the situation.
"Ohhh it's no fun if I tell you is it?", without any further explanation she grabbed my hand and lead me through the crowd out of the backyard. Swiftly, I looked at my friend puzzingly and only saw them mouth what I though was "GO".

We entered the house and Kirsten lead me to a more quiet part of the house. It was a saloon were a group of people, particularly man, were playing pool which chugging on some beer. I quickly identified Max and approached him to greet him, which he corresponded with a hug.
"Is he here?", Kirsten inquired her husband. "Yes, by the table.", Max pointed towards the table he was mentioning.
Once again Kirsten grabbed my hand and lead me towards the direction her husband had just pointed, where a man was standing facing as backwards. Arriving, she forcefully stopped on her tracks, let go of my hand and tapped on the man's should. The man began turning, while Kirsten started speaking
"Madison, I want you to meet-", I looked up at this tall frame and immediatly I froze in place.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2022 ⏰

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