Chapter 1

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Many tales were told throughout this generation about what goes down in this orphanage, one about a typical place that prepares kids for adoption, many others speculated about horrific things in this so-called household. One could peek but couldn't comprehend. Many have tried, many have failed. Villagers sneak in and no one would hear from them ever again. However, the truth would be revealed once everything has settled.

As the sun starts to rise across the horizon of the endless cornfield, a brunette haired boy can be seen laying down, fluttering his turquoise eyes open, admiring the view from the hill. Even though spiked walls were dividing him from the outside world, it doesn't stop him from pondering into the unknown. The endless possibilities of how he could live his life once he got out of there. An oleander's petal began to fall down on the floor near him, even though it is poisonous, the boy is unfazed by them since he is immune to its poison. This is why he got his surname as Oleander.

Suddenly his thoughts were cut off by a familiar sound calling out to him.

"Jack! Are you there?"

An unusual sight of a silver haired boy could be seen walking around through the cornfield in search of his friend. He starts to turn pale and looks like he could faint at any moment. Sickness is common here in this place, they were given medication and vaccines to treat their illnesses. However, that doesn't seem to cure the disease completely, they would all have short lifespans. This may seem suspicious to most people, but the children at the orphanage love their caretakers. Especially Theresa, the head of all the caretakers. The one who runs the orphanage and organizes everything for the children.


The brunette peeked his head up towards the sound of his friend and got up to brush the grass off his behind. He turned to his friend and made his way towards him. Fiddle loses his balance and falls down on his knees. The sight of his friend getting hurt made Jack rush over to help him up.

"Are you alright? I thought you were at Theresa's quarters to get your medications or something..." Jack said while helping his friend walk back to the orphanage.

"I wanted to tell you the good news,"

"What good news..?"

"Mother Theresa said some family were ready to take me in" He said with a wide smile on his face.

"What? That's bad news!" Jack frowned at the thought of his one only friend moving away. He wished they could be together instead of just one of them moving away.

"It's gonna be okay, Jack, we could still talk on the telephone. I already wrote down the numbers to call here. and If we're not available at the same time, we could write letters to each other. Relax, I've got it all covered"

"...If you say so...when are you leaving anyways?" Jack knew he could never win an argument with Fiddle using his wits.

"three days from now, I think"

"...promise you'll visit often?" Many children that were put up for adoption at this place were never heard from again, but that may be due to the fact that the family that took them in doesn't allow them to visit or the children just don't have any reason to visit.

"I promise, plus, I already note down the address. Now let's head back, I'm pretty sure Theresa is looking for us right now"

"yeah, let's go" Jack chuckles and they both begin heading back.

A Petal's Dismemberment Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant