Chapter 2

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    They both walk back to the building where their rooms are, but suddenly when they are at the front door, Fiddle can somehow sense that something was wrong. He tapped on Jack's shoulder and they both shared a look, signaling each other to beware of their surroundings. Jack went inside first to check for unknown dangers and to protect Fiddle if something jumped on them.

A soft chattering could be heard from where they both stood. The noises came from inside one of the rooms. They both sneak closer to the room to hear the conversation closely. The familiar sound of Theresa could be heard from across the room and Fiddle was pulling on Jack's shirt not to eavesdrop on their conversation.

Jack didn't want to intrude on their conversation but his gut was telling him to stay put and listen closely. Jack could taste the tension from outside the room. Fiddle's heartbeat starts to rise, he was scared that they would get caught and loses his chance of adoption.

"yes of course, he will be ready tomorrow"

It seems like Theresa is talking to someone on the phone about Fiddle's moving.

"I'll make sure to preserve every piece of organ in good condition, you can take everything but the brain, unless you want to double the price"

This horrified both of them to the point that both of them lost their balance and stumbled backwards, making a creek noise from stepping on the wood plank. They could hear high heels slowly stepping towards them. Fiddle's breathing hitched and tried to hold his breath to not cause a panic attack.

Theresa peeked through the door to check if someone's there, surprisingly, Jack and Fiddle is nowhere to be seen.

Jack carried Fiddle on his back out of the building to catch their breath and to process what they just heard. They stumbled down beside the building and hid inside some bushes. Jack begins to feel nauseous and Fiddle is shaking on the ground. They couldn't believe what they just heard.

"what she said...I didn't just make that up in my mind right?" Jack was hoping it was only his hallucinations to make Fiddle stay with him.

"I'm afraid not..." Fiddle reassured Jack that what they both just witnessed was indeed the truth.

"That isn't our Theresa anymore, she's gonna kill you!" Jack began to panic.

"Then we need to escape" suddenly an idea popped up inside Fiddle's mind.

"But where would we go? They're gonna find us anyways and once they do, we're done for"

"It doesn't matter where we go, we just need to get away from here. We could start a new life somewhere else, away from here, just like you've always wanted" Fiddle was trying to stay calm even though he was clearly scared and only wanted to escape.

Jack could see through this and took Fiddle's hand to calm him down.

"Let's get out of here"

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