The Problem

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Hunter: aww man I got to go to this job interview so much I hope she is all right she could go to her job interview in 5 minutes to finishvthe interveia at the pizzeria so I guess I guess is good but I hope I get this police job.

Mckayla: I got this I can get this job this will be the easiest job ever get just being there will be a security guard but I don't know if I can make it though I am a girl after all.

The Boss: okay so you want to drop McKayla let me see are you a good employee can you stay from 12 a.m. 26 a.m. I don't know if you can we just Swiss a security guard in morning so you might be able to take the night shift I don't know why you want to take a night shift but if you think you could take it go ahead you're hired.

McKayla: yay I didn't even really have to do anything I hope hunter is okay I hope you get the jobs It might be a little harder than what I'm doing security guy he can be a police officer so what's the difference.

Hunter: oh my god I have to go to this police interview so Mr boss man how hard is it to get this job what do I have to do since I won't be a Newbie it's not going to be any criminals of all his it I hope not I'm not that strong and not shoot a gun I know karate all I know I don't know anything else.

Police boss: you seem to be like a good boy the police foot can use someone like you you're hired you start tomorrow at 12 a.m. you will be guarding the Freddy bear's pizza pizzeria and your shift will be over at 6 a.m. exactly know later no more after that the next shift comes and you're still there you will be fired got that.

Hunter:sir yes sir

It's 12 a.m. both hunter and McKayla shift starts now and McKayla books and something creepy happen and Hunter Rushes in.

Hunter mayla where are you.

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