Episode 3: Changes

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EPISODE 3: Changes

    November 13th 2008, ‘Don’t be a bitch’

    My heart was still in pieces; this resulted on me changing my nature. I was completely ‘out of it’ as some would say. I wasn’t focused anymore and I just didn’t give a damn. I kept to the back of the class, with my head facing my table. “Oi, Levi!” Mustafa called,

“Yeah, What you want?” I retorted.

“What you doing?”

“Nothing, as usual,”

“Why do you give a damn?”

“About what!” I shouted.

“About what Angelina said to you!”

“I don’t give a shit about what she said!”

“Levi, I’m saying this coz you’re my mate, Don’t be a bitch.”

Those words took a while to sink in.

“What?” I said.

“Don’t be a bitch, I know you man, I know how your like, your not a pussio so why you acting lyk one, Don’t be a bitch. If she don’t like you then why give a shit? You’ve got to move on, because without moving on, your just gonna be a bitch, the more you show you were affected, the more they can take the piss out of you! Don’t be a bitch man.”

Those words struck me. I felt stupid. What was I doing all this time. Mussy was right. I had to change back to my old self, and maybe I can change my old self as well. I stood up confidently with a smile on my face.

“Sit Down!” Shouted Mr. James.

“Oh… Sorry.”

I sat my arse back down.

    November 14th 2008, Practice makes perfect

    So I had to change, or at least stop being ‘a bitch.’ The change began on November 14th 2008. I needed a new attitude, and I swore to myself that I would change. It was Friday and the morning made me sore, but I didn’t care. I had a quick shower and brushed my teeth within fifteen minutes and put on my uniform, only the problem was that I didn’t like my school trousers. I pulled them off and grabbed my black denim jeans. It felt better. I took my bag and shoved it into my car. I sat at the back listening to music waiting for my driver.

    I arrived at school feeling better than I had felt in three weeks! I put my bag on and made my way into the year seven class. Mrs. Bibiton gave me a look.

“Why are you wearing jeans?”

“I didn’t like my school trousers” I retorted.

What was I doing? I had never been disrespectful to a teacher before.

“What? You have to wear your uniform whether you like it or not! And where did you get that tongue of yours? You weren’t like this before!”

“Yea… Whatever. Miss, can I sit down now?”

She sighed and looked me up and down.

“Sit down.”

I made my way to my seat and everyone was staring me down. Mustafa was sitting on his desk and as I passed by he put his hand up waiting for me to give him five, I raised my hand and smiled.

    November 17th 2008, The bitch who cried Levi

Honestly, I hadn’t gotten over Angelina. I still had feelings for her, but I wouldn’t go out with her. I just wanted to get her back. And the opportunity came on November 17th 2008.

Certain things in this world happen for a reason. Earlier that day, Angelina woke up late because her alarm was broken. She rushed outside and waited for the school bus. The school bus was late to arrive at her house because earlier that day the bus got a puncture. She arrived in school almost an hour late and was sent to the library for the whole day. Coincidentally, Levi had swore at Mr. James the same morning and was sent to the library for the whole day.

    It was awkward being in the library with her. We eyed each other from across the room. I got bored of the game after five minutes and rested my head upon my arms. I felt a presence approach me and when I lifted my head Angelina was sitting directly opposite me.

“Hi,” she whispered.

“Hi,” I replied.

“So why you in here?”

“Swore at Mr. James, you?”

“Haha, I like that. I came to school an hour late,”

“Oh, ok.”

“Look Levi, I’m sorry for what happened in Arusha, I was basically forced to embarrass you by my friends, honestly you must’ve got the signs that I liked you back then.” She was breathing heavily, taking deep breaths.

“Oh, ok.”

“Levi, I still sorta like you, would you perhaps sorta like me?”

“No.” I replied.

I stood up and my heart was pounding, I could feel the thrust of my heart. I closed my book, held it my right hand and went to sit on another table. She followed.

“Ok, I understand I’m gonna have to do something to get you to like me back but here…” she quickly ripped a tiny piece of paper and scribbled something on it. This is my number, please text me today, I wanna make up for what I did to you,”

“Okay” I replied.

She smiled. She rested her head upon her book and stared at me, I copied her but instead I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

    “We will always be together,” said a familiar voice, there were two people in front of me. Two familiar figures, the first figure turned her head to face the figure to her left, it was Angelina. “Yeah, we will,” said the second figure said and he turned his head to face towards Angelina. It was Mustafa. Their faces closed into a kiss and my heart jumped in my body causing me to fill a heavy burden-like pain in my heart.

    I woke up and Angelina was still there.

“Did you have a nightmare?” she asked.

“Err… sort of,” I replied.

She sat up and looked at me, almost as if she was trying to read the expression on my face.

“What was it about?”

“None of your concern,”

Her face contorted.

“Sorry if I disturbed you,”

“Yea, its okay”

She smiled.

“Can’t wait for you to text me today,:

“Alright then,”

Her smile faded.

“Do you hate me?”


Her smile returned, larger than before.


“Good.” I replied

    Later that day I lied on my bed and wrote the number in my phone.

‘Hi. Its Levi’ I wrote. I put the phone on my belly and wrapped my arms around it. Almost a minute later I got a reply.

‘Hi :)

We texted for what could only be three hours and I slept texting her. I woke up in the morning and read this message on my phone:

‘Thanx 4 ditchin! :)

I smiled.


Episode 4 coming soon

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