You Came Back To ME-TO US

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Loosely-based on 5x1) Edgar Reade returned from the dead, so to speak (after Red Reddington
rescued him, through various contacts of his). He reunites with Tasha Zapata and his infant
daughter, Isabel (Izzy).

"You came back to me," she whispered. "I don't...I really don't know how I would have gone on without you. You coming back to us is a miracle-in a way I knew that you would."

Reade continued slumbering in his induced coma state. A large scar bisects his left eyebrow and she couldn't be consoled when Reddington's physicians advised her that he'd been in traction for several months due to broken hips, legs, and left shoulder.

"Your baby...she's so much like you, Reade. She's so beautiful: a perfect blend of us-and sometimes it's hard to look at her because I see her in you. She's bossy like me, and even at her age, she's so helpful and caring. When I cry she puts each of her little hands on the sides of
my face and...ella me consuela (she comforts me). Aparte es muy chiflada: tendremos que echarla de nuestra cama la pobrecita ! (Also she's spoiled: we'll have to kick her out of our bed poor baby!).

"I never should have left you," Tasha sobbed. "I know that you said to but I should have disobeyed. And I know that if I had Izzy would also have died, but the three of us would have been together. I'll be here every day, and your baby has a little fever but I'll bring her soon. She looks like both of us, really-those serious eyebrows of yours, and your nose...she's mocha-colored, with long curly hair-more liso (wavy) like mine. She's SO FUNNY, Reade, and NOSY! She's crawling already...a nurse entered then and announced that Reade is to be slowly brought out of his medically-induced coma.

Outside at the nurse's station the ICU nurse says "I'm Micki, by the way-I should have introduced myself earlier."

"It's fine," Zapata says, blotting her tears. "Natasha: Tasha to my friends." They exchange 'mucho gusto ' (nice to meet you).

"I've wanted to ask you...why do you call your man 'Reade' instead of Edgar or Eddie?"

Rasha laughs. "All of the people in our friendship circle do. We were in law enforcement, and it's common to address colleagues using their surnames. It just stuck."

"Got it. He should be back with us by Friday morning-three days-at most. "I overheard your friends: the Wellers, talking about what Ed did in that cave-in: saving you and...and we're so happy and pleased that he survived and has found his way back to you...we all consider it such
an honor to care for him. I know Ed-READE-from before: he and my fiance played ball together at Michigan-Trey was a running back-" (both pause for the obligatory 'GO BLUE'! and Micki continues): "I was at the University of Texas at the time and we hung out as much as we could. I
could see even then how much Trey loved him, and I love him too. You have a special, special man in there, Tasha."



Seconds after her mother brought her to Reade's bed-side the baby blurts "¡APA, Mami! Mia Apa" and wriggles in Tasha's arms, her little arms reaching out to Edgar. "¡Calma, usted Señorita! calm down please Miss) Tasha mock-scolds, and hands the child over to her father.
Micki comes in to change an IV bag, smiling at how Izzy immediately bonded with her daddy, crawling about, exploring; her mother stood close by in case she tangled with tubing or some such...allowing the toddler into the bed broke some hospital protocols; but she's happy to let it pass...

"Guys: your friends the Wellers left a message that they'll be by later tonight, before visiting hours end; also Ms. Patterson and her husbands are about thirty minutes away," Micki said. "ED-I mean READE-having you back with us is such a joy. Good night. Bue Bye, Linda."

They bid her good night and Tasha said "It's as if the baby's always known you; she wants to be close to you: watch...she tried to pick Izzy up and she screeched in protest, trying to squirm back from her mother's arms and back onto the bed.

"Huh," her man said.

"SEE!," she laughed.

"How about the way: I heard every word you said, while I was in the coma. I'll never regret sending you out of've ...moved on, I understand..."

"NEVER! If you didn't...survive, I would have raised Izzy ALONE! There's NO ONE-there could NEVER BE ANOTHER MAN, Reade-NEVER!"

Izzy says "Kiii! in agreement.


"I have Edgar Reade's chart here, Dr. Abrams," says Micki, offering the iPad she holds to the Chief of neurology."

"Thank you. OK. Alright...let's get a follow-up CT and draw another blood panel. There's an emergency craniofacial surgery in OR 4: you HAVE circulated before, yes?"

Micki stammers "Um-YES, I've circulated."

"Good-scrub in if you like. I'll see Mr. Reade after; please let him know. Be quick though."

'Of course Doctor. And thank you."

Hurrying toward Reade's room Micki makes a quick call to her boyfriend Trey to relay her good news: "Baby! You won't believe this!..."

"Hello, Edgar...your scans, vitals, and blood work all look good-that's the good news. The not so great news is I don't feel comfortable releasing you quite yet. Typically I recommend a slow progression back to normalcy after an induced coma. It's disappointing I'm sure..."

"It's fine Dr. Abrams," said Tasha. "That we have him back at all is...THANK YOU."

"BE QUIET!" Izzy said loudly, pointing her little finger at Abrams.

"ISA-BEL MARIA DEL CARMEN READE ZAPATA !" Zapata admonishes, horrified.

"HEY-Izzy; pide disculpas -say sorry!" adds Reade.

Izzy's response is to bury her little face in Reade's hospital gown.

A tiny smile flits onto Abrams' craggy mug and remains there, which is unusual for the stoic and generally un-smiling Neuro God. "She's actually correct: you, Edgar need all the rest that you can get-the same for YOU, Ms. Zapata. I'll have a bed brought in-you'll see to that Doris?"

"Of course Doctor."

"And have Dr. Rhodes in as well, please. I'll look in before you're discharged." He waved to Izzy and departed.

Micki left to arrange for the bed, and Tasha said "Did you see how she 'came' for Abrams? She's forgotten that she has a Mami!"

"That's Papi's baby...she is just like you: BOSSY, PROTECTIVE, ARGUMENTATIVE..."

"The qualities you LOVE," Tasha interrupts. And overcome by emotion she adds "I never stopped believing that you survived that cave-in...there was no reason to...NONE...I just knew that if I held onto that hope-to that BELIEF that you would return to us. I never let go of the love
we share. You said 'I GOT YOU...ALWAYS' and everyone else tried to tell me to accept the reality that you were gone but you always keep your promises. And here you are. El amor de mi vida : the love of my life," Her embrace is somewhat painful which Reade ignores, he invests all of his love into their kiss.

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