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Another short offering: this one is BLINDSPOT (REPATA ) with some sex spooned-
in (AU of season 2, the next to last episode of that season. We deviate substantially
from that episode, and the season finale (SPOILER: Zapata does tell Reade about her
mission with HCI Global).

Call Out My Name/The Weeknd©

The desire for her is rooted deep in his bones; when they parted the pain was PHYSICAL, palpable. She's everything a woman SHOULD BE, in his

eyes...that night after their kiss in the locker room, she is at his door, and she blurts out the reason for her visit before he can think to ask:

"I'm tired of thinking about it-WONDERING ABOUT IT-I'm tired of loving you and wanting you, and pretending that I don't YEARN for you every moment of every day ...and they yank, pull, TEAR at one another's clothing, to get to what they've building toward since the day they foreplay, just HER on her back, thighs high HIM rigid as a steel pole...DIOS, 'sta GIGANTE!: but the pleasure melds with the slight discomfort to get her blood boiling, and her engine revving into the red zone...

The second and third times they take their time, discovering what each of their preferences in the bedroom: licking his balls and perineum are favorites of Reade's; she favors fingers in her pussy and a pinky in her anus during oral...doggy style is the position of both, with 'female on top a close second to 'cowgirl' morning both are sated and worn out.

When he returns with coffee from the kiosk in his building's lobby (boujee!!) she says, "Reade: this has to be kept QUIET, I MEAN IT: that was a 'show' with Keaton yesterday. I'm going 'under' with HCI Global for CIA. Only three people know about it: Keaton, me, and now YOU. I was told to
cut all ties, to tell no one about this mission...but there are no more secrets between us-NO MORE LIES, or lies by omission starting now. Agreed?

"Did you expect me to say no?"


Early the next morning a still naked Tasha Zapata stretches languidly, and grinning crazily she casts her gaze upon Reade, peacefully sleeping next to her. The pre-programmed stereo clicked on, and moments later the dulcet tones of The Weeknd filtered into the bedroom:

We found each other...I helped you out of a broken place; You gave me comfort...
But falling for you was my mistake

I put you on top, I put you on top...I claimed you so proud and openly-
And when times were rough, when times were rough...I made sure I held you close to m

So call out my name (call out my name-Call out my name when I kiss you so gently...I want you to stay (want you to stay I want you to stay, even though you don't want me-Girl, why can't you wait? (Why can't you wait, baby?)
Girl, why can't you wait 'til I fall out of love? Won't you call out my name? (Call out my name) Girl, call out my name, and I'll be on my way and...I'll be on my...

She leans close and kisses him awake; as soon as he stirs he becomes more of an active participant. Rubbing noses she says softly "Hello, you."


"I wanna eat something but I don't know if I can move."

"I'll get us some chow."

"I don't want YOU to move either," she pouted.

"Hmmm. There's a dilemma."

"Order from that place in the lobby."

"Riiiight...I forgot about them..."

Zapata cackled. "Whipped!"

"I can move though," he reminded her, yawning.

He put in their order, and they fool around a little until he said "Don't go. Come back to the Bureau-I kept your spot open."

"What about...Patterson, and Jane? I can't imagine that WELLER is very enamoured of me either..."

"They'll be fine; as the AD I'll order them to, if not. AHORA ...(NOW): nice job slipping that punch, yet the question is the same-I want you to come back to the FBI. Email your resignation to Keaton."

"I have to, don't I? I can't protect you from CIA. And that's my top priority. It has been since the day we met. Do you want me to

go to CIA after breakfast? I could resign with Keaton-turn in my badge and weapon, plus the exit interview will take all day, pretty much; then my on-boarding with the Bureau on Monday?"

Before he can answer the food arrived, and as both are famished they dig into it immediately, without speaking much. The music played on:

I said I didn't feel nothing, baby but I lied-I almost cut a piece of myself for your life
Guess I was just another pit stop-'Til you made up your mind; You just wasted my time

You're on top, I put you on top...I claimed you so proud and openly, babe-And when times were rough, when times were rough: I made sure I held you close to me!

So call out my name (call out my name-Call out my name when I kiss you so gently...I want you to stay (want you to stay
I want you to stay, even though you don't want me-Girl, why can't you wait? (Why can't you wait, baby?)

Girl, why can't you wait 'til I fall out of love? Won't you call out my name? (Call out my name)
Girl, call out my name, and I'll be on my way and...I'll be on way...

"We're doing this then. You and I committed...monogamous."

"That's what I want," she answered. "We wasted so much time-ACTUALLY I DID-and I can't see us wasting another second. I'll never stop saying that I'm in love with you. Because I am. For the first time, I'm in love. Your turn."

"I need you with me. As my partner, my best friend, my woman. I also loved you since that first day. We can do this. We can make a good life together. Come on; let's get a shower and get going."

Blindspot-One Shots I Loved You  From The First I Saw YouWhere stories live. Discover now